I am aware of a new regularly scheduled 3D contest take is now taking place
on the web. I wanted to check with you guys first and see if if was proper
or not to point it out here in these forums. If this group/forum is
dedicated to the IRTC and would take offense at pointing out a potential
"competitor" then I would just as soon not mention it here. If there are no
problems with other contests then I have considerable details that I would
like to give out.
I don't want to say too much until I know whether or not this is appropriate
but I would like to say that this site has been around for some time doing
other types of contests. I am not affiliated with the site or have any
participation in running the site other than as a daily visitor to it. The
format of the contest, IMHO, is one of the better formats I have seen. This
site is just starting in 3D competition and could use a healthy influx of 3D
I intend no disrespect or derogatory comments towards the IRTC which I love
and will continue to watch with great interest and hope to one day be good
enough to compete in.
If this topic is too much in contrast with the direction of this forum
and/or the IRTC, please feel free to delete it immediately. I just
appreciate the opportunity to ask.
light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(
L,U)box{<W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A
,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1
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Flu wrote:
> I am aware of a new regularly scheduled 3D contest take is now taking place
> on the web. I wanted to check with you guys first and see if if was proper
> or not to point it out here in these forums. If this group/forum is
> dedicated to the IRTC and would take offense at pointing out a potential
> "competitor" then I would just as soon not mention it here. If there are no
> problems with other contests then I have considerable details that I would
> like to give out.
These groups are about POV-Ray so it should be possible to enter POV-Ray
generated work in that contest of course but apart from that any
information about a 3D contest would be appropriate here.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 28 Feb. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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