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From: Tim Nikias
Subject: Somebody kills me please... (PC died today)
Date: 28 Feb 2003 22:15:12
Message: <3e6025c0@news.povray.org>
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No more PartixGen-Animations.
No more work on Vegetation-Includes.
Bye-Bye Worldbowl 2003 Edition.
Have fun, my old and long-used Includes.
For my HD died today. Just a few weeks ago,
my Backup CD didn't want to be read anymore,
and just today I thought: I've just reinstalled the
system, now go on and make some backups.
Well, that thought came too late.
All thats left:
Scenes: All ZIP files for these were on another Harddrive
"Gerberas", "Tranquil", "Love is a vow"
To be recovered from IRTC: "Worldbowl" (2002), "Iced Land",
"2 Lonely"
IO-Macros, Mesh-Modifying-Macros, Bezier-Splines -
These are on my homepage.
x_over-Include, a cross-over of Bezier-Splines and
MMM, with which I modelled a lot of the meshes, was found
in the "Gerberas" ZIP, though its probably some older version.
Aside of that, everything is lost, all codes, all scenes, all gone.
With the important POV-Stuff went all my stuff from the
University, all MP3 (most of them just my own, I've got
like a 95% own MP3 and 5% downloaded), and my games,
though that isn't so bad, they're just games.
But to lose three years worth of POV-Efforts...
Ken, would you mind shooting me? ;-(
<see good side of it all mode>
All crappy code is gone, I've got space for new, clean code!
<see good side of it all mode off>
Rune, if you've still got some version of my Particle-System,
you could send it to me. Don't know if I'd want to continue
working on it though. Probably move on to some new System.
Using I/O. ;-D
Enough rambling. Remember guys, make backups,
lots of em. If you're not tracing something, make
Hm. I guess I'll post a Reflective-Sphere-on-Checkered-Plane
tomorrow. My first image for my reborn PC.
Email: tim### [at] gmx de
URL: www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: Somebody kills me please... (PC died today)
Date: 28 Feb 2003 22:46:55
Message: <3e602d2f$1@news.povray.org>
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I can empathize. I had a similar thing happen last year. I took my computer
to a computer repair shop, and they installed a new hard drive, and were
able to recover some of my files, but not the most important ones. They said
the hard drive's bearings had frozen up from over use or over heating. I
discovered that if I put the old hard drive in the freezer for long enough
to get it really cold, I could then hook it into my computer as a secondary
hard drive, and could transfer a significant amount of information before it
would stop working again. after repeating this several times, I was able to
recover everything I cared about. Whatever you do, don't give up!
Steve Shelby
Tim Nikias <tim### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> Well.
> No more PartixGen-Animations.
> No more work on Vegetation-Includes.
> Bye-Bye Worldbowl 2003 Edition.
> Have fun, my old and long-used Includes.
> For my HD died today. Just a few weeks ago,
> my Backup CD didn't want to be read anymore,
> and just today I thought: I've just reinstalled the
> system, now go on and make some backups.
> Well, that thought came too late.
> All thats left:
> ========
> Scenes: All ZIP files for these were on another Harddrive
> "Gerberas", "Tranquil", "Love is a vow"
> To be recovered from IRTC: "Worldbowl" (2002), "Iced Land",
> "2 Lonely"
> Include-Files:
> IO-Macros, Mesh-Modifying-Macros, Bezier-Splines -
> These are on my homepage.
> x_over-Include, a cross-over of Bezier-Splines and
> MMM, with which I modelled a lot of the meshes, was found
> in the "Gerberas" ZIP, though its probably some older version.
> Aside of that, everything is lost, all codes, all scenes, all gone.
> With the important POV-Stuff went all my stuff from the
> University, all MP3 (most of them just my own, I've got
> like a 95% own MP3 and 5% downloaded), and my games,
> though that isn't so bad, they're just games.
> But to lose three years worth of POV-Efforts...
> Ken, would you mind shooting me? ;-(
> Anyways:
> <see good side of it all mode>
> All crappy code is gone, I've got space for new, clean code!
> <see good side of it all mode off>
> Rune, if you've still got some version of my Particle-System,
> you could send it to me. Don't know if I'd want to continue
> working on it though. Probably move on to some new System.
> Using I/O. ;-D
> Enough rambling. Remember guys, make backups,
> lots of em. If you're not tracing something, make
> backups.
> Hm. I guess I'll post a Reflective-Sphere-on-Checkered-Plane
> tomorrow. My first image for my reborn PC.
> Regards,
> Tim
> --
> Email: tim### [at] gmx de
> URL: www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
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I don't recall having anything backed up, although I did migrate to
a new hard drive last year, copying everything. The oldest file on
my drive is over six years old.
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In article <3e6025c0@news.povray.org>, "Tim Nikias" <tim### [at] gmx de>
> For my HD died today. Just a few weeks ago,
> my Backup CD didn't want to be read anymore,
> and just today I thought: I've just reinstalled the
> system, now go on and make some backups.
A little tip: you're supposed to backup *before* major changes, not
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Tim Nikias wrote:
>No more work on Vegetation-Includes.
>Bye-Bye Worldbowl 2003 Edition.
Tim, I feel with you.
About one year ago, I made similar experiences.
Interesting, after your last "worldbowl" version I thought on asking you for
the code...
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Ouch. Really sorry for you.
I will mention that there are businesses that specialize in data recovery from
bad hard drives. It can get expensive depending on how hard you want them to
try. A friend of mine got about 80% of her data off a bad hard drive just over a
year ago, but it cost her around $270 in US dollars as I remember and she had to
wait a couple weeks for the data.
Bill P.
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From: Sir Charles W Shults III
Subject: Re: Somebody kills me please... (PC died today)
Date: 1 Mar 2003 15:51:47
Message: <3e611d63@news.povray.org>
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It's a real shame- the images were looking very good. I feel for your loss!
As cheap as hard drives are these days, it makes sense to have a mirror
drive and it really does add a great deal of security to your system. I hope
you can afford to put one in.
I use a zip type drive to back up all my good stuff. I also just forced my
wife to completely back her system up on CD-RWs.
Chip Shults
My robotics, space and CGI web page - http://home.cfl.rr.com/aichip
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In article <cja### [at] netplex aussie org>,
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
> A little tip: you're supposed to backup *before* major changes, not
> after.
Correction: backup and *verify* the backups. I recently had a similar
accident, where the disk image that contained most of my stuff ended up
unreadable. Fortunately, my most important projects survived.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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From: Vadim Sytnikov
Subject: Re: Somebody kills me please... (PC died today)
Date: 1 Mar 2003 18:33:03
Message: <3e61432f@news.povray.org>
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"Tim Nikias" <tim### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> All thats left:
> ========
> To be recovered from IRTC: "Worldbowl" (2002), "Iced Land",
> "2 Lonely"
> Include-Files:
> IO-Macros, Mesh-Modifying-Macros, Bezier-Splines -
> These are on my homepage.
> Aside of that, everything is lost, all codes, all scenes, all gone.
There is a Russian saying that roughly translates as
"What you gave is yours,
What you kept is lost."
How true in this particular case.
Tim, I definitely feel your pain; hope that you are able to recover more
than that... There were given some perfectly sane advices, notably the one
from William Pokorny; you may want to follow that...
As to the backups, I would like to recommend various USB-enabled gadgets
available these days, like flash drives and HDDs (Win2000 and XP recognize
them instantly; WinME reportedly does so as well). Apart from floppy disks,
I used to make backups to Colorado tape drives, LS120 3.5" disks etc. and
have to say that, compared to everything else, those USB thingies are just
killers. About half a year ago I bought a 120Mb flash drive, just to give it
a try, and it surpassed all my expectations as to its reliability,
compatibility, and speed. Of course, 120Mb are drastically insufficient for
backups per se, so I use it not for backups themselves, but for information
transfers between 2 desktops and a laptop (which thus serve as a RAID :-)...
But now that USB link proved itself, I am going to buy a 6Gb or so
USB-enabled HDD, which will serve as the actual backup medium this time.
IMHO, a thing to consider for backup adepts (as yours truly).
Sorry for being off-topic *and* wordy. Follow-ups set to p.o-t.
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That cheap?
Still, I've already settled to being a newborn
PC-User. Its 40GB I've lost (though the HD
wasn't entirely filled up), and perhaps it
may be a good thing to start up from
scratch again, as mentioned in see-the-good-
side-of-it-all-mode, I won't base anything upon
messy code this way.
I'll recover some images from the newsgroups,
and some animations (especially the last Worldbowl
2003 image, I'm kinda satisfied that I've posted that
one and haven't done major changes since), but
all in all, I guess its
"Tim Nikias - The next Generation"
Hm, a smiley there. I sometimes do feel more like
crying. Three years of work down the drain... :-(
"William F. Pokorny" felt sympathy:
> Tim,
> Ouch. Really sorry for you.
> I will mention that there are businesses that specialize in data recovery
> bad hard drives. It can get expensive depending on how hard you want them
> try. A friend of mine got about 80% of her data off a bad hard drive just
over a
> year ago, but it cost her around $270 in US dollars as I remember and she
had to
> wait a couple weeks for the data.
> Bill P.
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