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JPatch (http://jpatch.sourceforge.org) is now an open source project on
Although it will take some time until I can release a new version some
minor bugs have been fixed and Java3D preview is now included.
The "latest and greatest" binaries from the CVS can now be found under
"nightly builds" in the download-section on
If you'd like to join the project just register on sourceforge and send
me a message. The projects page is http://sf.net/projects/jpatch
Since this is my first open-source project I'd appreciate any help.
Especially I'm looking for...
- Someone with expirence in open-source developement, CVS, and the tools
on sourceforge
- Poeple with expirence in UML. We've started to re-design the
architecture and use Poseidon for UML (http://www.gentleware.com) to
model it.
- Java developers (beginners welcome)
- Testers
If you've successfuly compiled/ran JPatch on any OS other than Win2k or
Redhat7.3(intel) please let me know (OS, Java and Java3D versions) -
I'll make a list of OS and Java releases on which JPatch is known to run
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oops, the correct url is http://jpatch.sourceforge.net
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sascha <sas### [at] users sourceforge net> wrote in news:3e5a1f89$1
> JPatch (http://jpatch.sourceforge.org) is now an open source project on
> sourceforge.net
Great work Sascha! Nice design, very responsive. Even with out
documentation, I browsed the site, downloaded, installed, and was
renderering in a matter of minutes . I wish I had time to help out with
development, but I am overcommited as it is. Not knowing Java is a bit of
a problem too ;)
How much effort would it be to support other primitives?
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Tom Galvin wrote:
> How much effort would it be to support other primitives?
Hi Tom,
I think it will only support bezier splines/patches in the near future,
but I'll add a possibility to create primitives (spheres, cylinders,
tori, etc.) of patch-meshes automatically - I'm working on embedding
javascript (rhino) to support 'procedural' modeling...
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Hello, Sascha... well, nothing but to THANK YOU A LOT!!!!!!!!!
God, motnhs ago I was dreaming about when the would come to finally render
animations with organic motion, with POV-Ray...
This is really great; keep your good work!
Well, nothing else, but thank you!!!!
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