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Just wanted to say "hello" by trying a new sig. What do you think? Any
comments or suggestions are appreciated!
light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb<1,0,1>}}#declare F=.3;#macro G(H,I)
box{<F,H-.05,.6>,<F+.01,I-.05,.7>}#end#macro A(B,C,D,E)G(C,E)box{<B,F-.05,
.6>,<D,(F-.04),.7>}#declare F=F-.1;#end A(-.2,0,.01,0)A(-.1,-.1,.21,.21)
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There is an extra dot at the start of the third row. Attempting to fix it
now... -Flu
light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb<1,0,1>}}#declare F=.3;#macro G(H,I)
<D,(F-.04),.7>}#declare F=F-.1;#end A(-.2,0,.01,0)A(-.1,-.1,.21,.21)
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Program ended abnormally on 2/19/03 7:57 PM, Due to a catastrophic Wayne
Fluharty error:
> Just wanted to say "hello" by trying a new sig. What do you think? Any
> comments or suggestions are appreciated!
Cool sig.
I managed to shave off 19 characters from it. Whaddaya think?
light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(L,U)box{
<W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4
),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end union{H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1,2.1)F(-2,-1)H(-1,0
,0,2)H(-2,-1,-1,3)H(0,-2,2,1)H(-1,0,1,3)scale .1}// wfl### [at] worldnet att net
> -Flu
> --
> light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb<1,0,1>}}#declare F=.3;#macro G(H,I)
> box{<F,H-.05,.6>,<F+.01,I-.05,.7>}#end#macro A(B,C,D,E)G(C,E)box{<B,F-.05,
> .6>,<D,(F-.04),.7>}#declare F=F-.1;#end A(-.2,0,.01,0)A(-.1,-.1,.21,.21)
> G(-.2,-.1)A(-.1,0,0,.2)A(-.2,-.1,-.1,.3)A(0,-.2,.2,.1)A(-.1,0,.1,.3)//Flu
/*Francois Labreque*/#local a=x+y;#local b=x+a;#local c=a+b;#macro P(F//
/* flabreque */L)polygon{5,F,F+z,L+z,L,F pigment{rgb 9}}#end union
/* @ */{P(0,a)P(a,b)P(b,c)P(2*a,2*b)P(2*b,b+c)P(b+c,<2,3>)
/* videotron.ca */}camera{orthographic location<6,1.25,-6>look_at a }
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From: Wayne Fluharty
Subject: Re: New to the forum and testing a sig
Date: 19 Feb 2003 22:16:12
Message: <3e54487c@news.povray.org>
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"Francois Labreque" <fla### [at] videotron ca> wrote in message
news:3E5### [at] videotron ca...
> Program ended abnormally on 2/19/03 7:57 PM, Due to a catastrophic Wayne
> Fluharty error:
> > Just wanted to say "hello" by trying a new sig. What do you think? Any
> > comments or suggestions are appreciated!
> Cool sig.
> I managed to shave off 19 characters from it. Whaddaya think?
> light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(L,U)box{
> <W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4
> ),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end union{H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1,2.1)F(-2,-1)H(-1,0
> ,0,2)H(-2,-1,-1,3)H(0,-2,2,1)H(-1,0,1,3)scale .1}// wfl### [at] worldnet att net
I think I still have a lot to learn. :)
I was trying to think of some way to "scale" it and I never thought about
using "scale". Duh!
Thanks for the improvement.
light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(L,U)box{
<W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4
),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end union{H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1,2.1)F(-2,-1)H(-1,0
,0,2)H(-2,-1,-1,3)H(0,-2,2,1)H(-1,0,1,3)scale .1}// Flu
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"Francois Labreque" <fla### [at] videotron ca> wrote in message
news:3E5### [at] videotron ca...
> Program ended abnormally on 2/19/03 7:57 PM, Due to a catastrophic Wayne
> Fluharty error:
> > Just wanted to say "hello" by trying a new sig. What do you think? Any
> > comments or suggestions are appreciated!
> Cool sig.
> I managed to shave off 19 characters from it. Whaddaya think?
> light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(L,U)box{
> <W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4
> ),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end union{H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1,2.1)F(-2,-1)H(-1,0
> ,0,2)H(-2,-1,-1,3)H(0,-2,2,1)H(-1,0,1,3)scale .1}// wfl### [at] worldnet att net
Sorry to reply to my own message so much, but I keep finding ways to reduce
my sig (Thanks, Francois!)
I took the whole union/scale off and shaved another 15 characters off of it.
Because it was scaling the whole thing, the perpective does not change when
you unscale it...
light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(
L,U)box{<W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A
,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1
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Program ended abnormally on 2/19/03 10:16 PM, Due to a catastrophic
Wayne Fluharty error:
> "Francois Labreque" <fla### [at] videotron ca> wrote in message
> news:3E5### [at] videotron ca...
>>Program ended abnormally on 2/19/03 7:57 PM, Due to a catastrophic Wayne
>>Fluharty error:
>>>Just wanted to say "hello" by trying a new sig. What do you think? Any
>>>comments or suggestions are appreciated!
>>Cool sig.
>>I managed to shave off 19 characters from it. Whaddaya think?
>>light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(L,U)box{
>><W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4
>>),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end union{H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1,2.1)F(-2,-1)H(-1,0
>>,0,2)H(-2,-1,-1,3)H(0,-2,2,1)H(-1,0,1,3)scale .1}// wfl### [at] worldnet att net
> I think I still have a lot to learn. :)
We all do. Now, we'll just have to see what Warp and Wlodimierz can come up
with! ;)
> I was trying to think of some way to "scale" it and I never thought about
> using "scale". Duh!
> Thanks for the improvement.
You're welcome.
/*Francois Labreque*/#local a=x+y;#local b=x+a;#local c=a+b;#macro P(F//
/* flabreque */L)polygon{5,F,F+z,L+z,L,F pigment{rgb 9}}#end union
/* @ */{P(0,a)P(a,b)P(b,c)P(2*a,2*b)P(2*b,b+c)P(b+c,<2,3>)
/* videotron.ca */}camera{orthographic location<6,1.25,-6>look_at a }
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Wayne Fluharty <wfl### [at] worldnet att net> wrote:
> light_source{0 1}#default{pigment{rgb 1-y}}#declare W=3;#macro F(
> L,U)box{<W,L-.5,6><W+.1,U-.5,7>}#end#macro H(A,R,T,Y)F(R,Y)box{<A
> ,W-.5,6><T,(W-.4),7>}#declare W=W-1;#end H(-2,0,.1,0)H(-1,-1,2.1
> ,2.1)F(-2,-1)H(-1,0,0,2)H(-2,-1,-1,3)H(0,-2,2,1)H(-1,0,1,3)//Flu
This didn't quite preserve your fancy variable naming, but at least it's
a bit shorter:
light_source{0,1}#macro H(A,R,T,Y,W)box{<W,R-.5,6><W+.1Y-.5,7>}box{<A,W-.5,
6><T,W-.4,7>}#end union{H(-2,0,.1,0,3)H(-1,-1,2.1,2.1,2)H(9,-2,9,-1,1)H(-1,
0,0,2,1)H(-2,-1,-1,3,0)H(0,-2,2,1,-1)H(-1,0,1,3,-2)pigment{rgb 1-y}}//Flu
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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> Just wanted to say "hello" by trying a new sig. What do you think? Any
> comments or suggestions are appreciated!
BTW: It is a common sport in this forum to shorten other people's sigs:
light_source{0 1}union{#macro G(H,I)box{<F,-H-.5,6><F+.1I-.5,7>}#end#macro
A(C,B,D,E)G(C,E)box{<-B,F-.5,6>,<D,F-.4,7>}#declare F=F-1;#end#local F=3;A(0,2
merge{#local i=-11;#while(i<11)#local
pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission x}}hollow}// Mark Weyer
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On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 22:53:54 -0500, Francois Labreque <fla### [at] videotron ca>
> We all do. Now, we'll just have to see what Warp and Wlodimierz can come up
> with! ;)
Nice to know somebody remember my name :-)
Adjust it to your favorite line length:
light_source#macro _(n,P)box{P/2+z*7P/2+(n>0?<n.1>:<.1n>)+z*6pigment{rgb 1}}
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> This didn't quite preserve your fancy variable naming, but at least it's
> a bit shorter:
> light_source{0,1}#macro H(A,R,T,Y,W)box{<W,R-.5,6><W+.1Y-.5,7>}box{<A,W-.5,
> 6><T,W-.4,7>}#end union{H(-2,0,.1,0,3)H(-1,-1,2.1,2.1,2)H(9,-2,9,-1,1)H(-1,
> 0,0,2,1)H(-2,-1,-1,3,0)H(0,-2,2,1,-1)H(-1,0,1,3,-2)pigment{rgb 1-y}}//Flu
Shorter still:
light_source{0,1}#macro H(A,R,T,Y,W)box{<W,-R-.5,6><W+.1Y-.5,7>}box{<-A,W-.5
6><T,W-.4,7>}#end union{H(2,0,.1,0,3)H(1,1,2.1,2.1,2)H(-9,2,9,-1,1)H(1,0,0,2
1)H(2,1,-1,3,0)H(0,2,2,1,-1)H(1,0,1,3,-2)pigment{rgb 1-y}}//Flu
merge{#local i=-11;#while(i<11)#local
pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission x}}hollow}// Mark Weyer
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