// Scene file as follows uncomment one declaration of rah or the other:
#declare RRR=seed(123);
#macro ra()
#declare n=0;
// if you uncomment the line below
// you get what I want
// #declare rah= 0.9*(rand(RRR)-0.5)*x;
// if you uncomment the line below
// you get a variable that has x,y,z
//#declare rah= 0.9*ra()*x;
#declare obstacle= 12*vaxis_rotate(x*1+rah,y,360*n/1000);
sphere{obstacle, .1 pigment {rgb 0.95}finish{ambient 1}}
#declare n=n+1;
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In article <3e39314b$1@news.povray.org> , "Greg M. Johnson"
<gregj:-)565### [at] aol com> wrote:
> // Scene file as follows uncomment one declaration of rah or the other:
> #declare RRR=seed(123);
> #macro ra()
> rand(RRR)-0.5
> #end
> #declare n=0;
> #while(n<1000)
> // if you uncomment the line below
> // you get what I want
> // #declare rah= 0.9*(rand(RRR)-0.5)*x;
> // if you uncomment the line below
> // you get a variable that has x,y,z
> //#declare rah= 0.9*ra()*x;
Of course. The parenthesis in your macro are missing. Thus both cases are
not identical. RTFM.
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