Feel free download an offline archive of Texture Library 4.0. It is a
complete copy of the online version including the textures of
stones1.inc, stones2.inc, and textures.inc. This version is still under
Please try it and do not hesitate to report any problems to me.
http://www.rene-schwietzke.de/povray/texlib.zip (about 44MB)
Thank you,
P.S. BTW, you need a modern browser, such as IE 5/6, Netscape 6/7, Opera
6/7, or Mozilla 1.1/1.2, to browse the library. Netscape 4.X or
similar browsers are not supported. Sorry!
WWW: http://www.rene-schwietzke.de/
POV-Ray: http://www.rene-schwietzke.de/povray/
Texlib 4.0: http://www.rene-schwietzke.de/povray/texlib/
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