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Hey everyone, I'm trying duplicate the spray coming off the tires grazing
the water in this image:
To do this I had planned on using a scattering media, with a cone (conular?)
density and some turbulence. There doesn't appear to be a cone density file
built into pov-ray so I tried using the function for a cone as the density.
However, the field for this isosurface works towards the center of the
surface, so you still get a hard edge at the boundary of the cone. Any
suggestions on how I could go about getting such a density or entirely
different ways of reproducing this effect?
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"Skip Talbot" <sta### [at] uiuc edu> wrote:
> Hey everyone, I'm trying duplicate the spray coming off the tires grazing
> the water in this image:
> http://members.aol.com/uiucparty/upload/defiantsmall.jpg
Clever plane, my compliments. What did you use to model it? (hope you have
enjoyed the recent "modeller -- not a modeller" discussion in p.o-t.).
BTW, I tried to go to http://hometown.aol.com/uiucparty/ and got an "AOL
sucks" page. Interesting. :-)
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That's a photograph Vadim. I'm trying to copy it in POV-Ray with a
different aircraft type though (Long-EZ).
LOL, yes I love AOL. I use this account for web storage. If you link every
page on an account to their AOL hometown you get 12MB of space as opposed to
the normal 2. Since I don't use this account for any web sites (just
storage), I simply made a webpage expressing my love for the service and had
it link all the webpages (just one) so I could get the 12MB.
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"Skip Talbot" <sta### [at] uiuc edu> wrote:
> That's a photograph Vadim. I'm trying to copy it in POV-Ray with a
> different aircraft type though (Long-EZ).
Ahh, you kind of saved me. What a relief... But what a missed opportunity
for Warp! I thought you would say: "Yeh, that's Rhino and 50 years of
experience...". And at this same moment Warp would pop up and yell "You have
seen that! You all have seen that! POV-Ray is NOT a modeller!" Then I would
be floored, or course...
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> To do this I had planned on using a scattering media, with a cone
> density and some turbulence. There doesn't appear to be a cone density
> built into pov-ray so I tried using the function for a cone as the
I did that for a dust trail once, using a series of spheres of decreasing
size filled with turbulent media. Perhaps the smokegen include could help.
Don't forget to raise the max_trace_level of course...
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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hehe, I did use Rhino for the modeling. I don't have 50 years of experience
but the model took about 6 months of on and off work. :) Watch p.b.i for
the final result
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Use a sphereical denisity and scale it in the direction you need. It is not
a cone but will look very close. If you look at the picture the shape is a
rounded shape. the wheels kick up first the the splash fades behind.
"Skip Talbot" <sta### [at] uiuc edu> wrote in message
> Hey everyone, I'm trying duplicate the spray coming off the tires grazing
> the water in this image:
> http://members.aol.com/uiucparty/upload/defiantsmall.jpg
> To do this I had planned on using a scattering media, with a cone
> density and some turbulence. There doesn't appear to be a cone density
> built into pov-ray so I tried using the function for a cone as the
> However, the field for this isosurface works towards the center of the
> surface, so you still get a hard edge at the boundary of the cone. Any
> suggestions on how I could go about getting such a density or entirely
> different ways of reproducing this effect?
> Skip
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On Sat, 18 Jan 2003 16:37:38 -0600, "Skip Talbot" <sta### [at] uiuc edu> wrote:
> I tried using the function for a cone as the density.
> However, the field for this isosurface works towards the center of the
> surface, so you still get a hard edge at the boundary of the cone.
Try my IC_Cone macro/function from IsoCSG library in "rounded" mode.
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