I need someone smarter than me (won't take much I assure you) to explain how
to create an isosurface
that is basically the same "looking" object as a superellipsoid. The reason
I want to do this is the bug
with superellipsoids. If I make a difference between two of them I get odd
parts disappearing. I read
in an earlier post that you could create an isosurface that was the
equivalent of the superellipsoid without
the problems. How can I make an Isosurface that is basically the same as
this superellipsoid? Is it
possible? Below you see my poor stab at it, but I can't get the same
Any help would be appreciated!
Patrick Dugan
//// This is what I want the isosurface to look like....
superellipsoid { <1, 0.5>
pigment {Green}
/// This was my feeble attempt.
isosurface {
function {f_ellipsoid(x,y,z, 0.5, 1, 1)}
threshold 1.0
pigment {Green}
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Nevermind, I finally saw the mistake. I was using the wrong function
(ellipsoid as opposed to superellipsoid)
For example:
function { - f_superellipsoid (x,y,z,0.5,0.5) }
"Patrick Dugan" <pat### [at] usnetcomcorp com> wrote in message
> I need someone smarter than me (won't take much I assure you) to explain
> to create an isosurface
> that is basically the same "looking" object as a superellipsoid. The
> I want to do this is the bug
> with superellipsoids. If I make a difference between two of them I get
> parts disappearing. I read
> in an earlier post that you could create an isosurface that was the
> equivalent of the superellipsoid without
> the problems. How can I make an Isosurface that is basically the same as
> this superellipsoid? Is it
> possible? Below you see my poor stab at it, but I can't get the same
> appearance.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Patrick Dugan
> //// This is what I want the isosurface to look like....
> superellipsoid { <1, 0.5>
> pigment {Green}
> }
> /// This was my feeble attempt.
> isosurface {
> function {f_ellipsoid(x,y,z, 0.5, 1, 1)}
> threshold 1.0
> pigment {Green}
> }
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