hey guys!
this piece of code keeps on making my pov abort rendering with an access
violation exception. restarting povray and rebooting the whole system did
not change anything.
pov also complains about unused bounding boxes, but i can't find them?
can anybody verify this behaviour?
my system:
athlon 600
official POV-Ray 3.5
background { rgb 1 }
camera {
location <80,20,-80>
look_at 0
global_settings {
max_trace_level 256
light_source { <1,1,-1>*1000 rgb 1 }
#declare MyFuncX = function (time) {
cos((time+5)/10*2*pi)*10+time*time*time*0.3 } //X-Coordinates
#declare MyFuncY = function (time) { sin((time+5)/10*4*pi)*10-time*time }
#declare MyFuncZ = function (time) {
sin((time+5)/10*6*pi)*10-cos((time+5)/10*2*pi)*30 } //Z-Coordinates
#declare MyFuncR = function (time) {
sin((time+5)*pi)+cos((time+5)*5*pi)+sqrt(time) } //Radius
#macro MyMacroP(time) //Pigment
leopard color_map { [0.25 rgb 1][0.25
rgb<1-(time+5)/10,sin((time+5)/10*pi),(time+5)/10>] } scale 0.8
#declare EvalStart = -5;
#declare EvalEnd = 5;
#declare Steps = 1000;
#declare Delta = 1/Steps*abs(EvalEnd-EvalStart);
union {
#local a = 0;
#while (a<Steps-1)
#declare P1 =
#declare P2 =
#declare Radius = MyFuncR(EvalStart+(a+0.5)*Delta);
union {
sphere { P1,Radius }
sphere { P2,Radius }
cylinder { P1,P2,Radius }
pigment { MyMacroP(EvalStart+(a+0.5)*Delta) }
finish { phong 1 ambient 0.5 }
#local a = a + 1;
//translate y*80
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In article <3e202274@news.povray.org> , "Florian Brucker"
<tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> this piece of code keeps on making my pov abort rendering with an access
> violation exception. restarting povray and rebooting the whole system did
> not change anything.
> pov also complains about unused bounding boxes, but i can't find them?
> can anybody verify this behaviour?
How about a _minimal_ scene?
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hey guys
me again ;-)
ok, i now know the reason for the error: i was calling sqrt() with a
negative value. anyway, imho it would be way better if pov would would
complain about this instead of aborting the render with this rather
irritating message....
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In article <3e202507@news.povray.org> , "Florian Brucker"
<tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> ok, i now know the reason for the error: i was calling sqrt() with a
> negative value. anyway, imho it would be way better if pov would would
> complain about this instead of aborting the render with this rather
> irritating message....
Well, your scene works without problems for me, so...
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