"Mick Hazelgrove" <mic### [at] mhazelgrove fsnet co uk> wrote in message
> Where can I find some ready made HDRI images?
> Mick
Beside the Paul Debevec's site, there are some at http://www.rna.hr/home.htm
>HDRI links, also some tutorials about creating HDR with Terragen (free for
non-commercial). There -were- some of HDRI-s of Vienna at
http://www.virtualvienna.n3.net/ , but I'm not sure aren't they downloadable
today. You can make something working as HDRI by 'scaling pixels', from just
ordinary bitmap, with HDR Shop http://athens.ict.usc.edu/HDRShop/ (also free
for non-comercial). It will not be the same, esspecialy with visible lights,
but can be usable.
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