I guess this would be the best place for this:
How do you think I should go about getting the following lines to output to
a .pov file with indents?
#declare TriBegin="triangle{\n";
#declare TriMid=",\n";
#declare TriEnd="}\n";
#fopen Mesh "mesh.pov" append
#declare P1=<0,0,0>;
#declare P2=<0,0,0>;
#declare P3=<0,0,0>;
#fclose Mesh
I want that code to output as
but instead it comes out as
<0,0,0> ,
<0,0,0> ,
I have this dreadful feeling that what I want to do is impossible without
writing my own patch for the problem since I've tried several ways to do
this already. Thanks ahead of time to anyone who can help. :)
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in news:3e07bbc4$1@news.povray.org Niytaan wrote:
> Ignore me, please.
You could also do,
#declare TriBegin="triangle{\n ";
#declare TriMid=",\n ";
#write(Mesh,TriBegin," ",P1,TriMid," ",P2,TriMid," ",P3,TriEnd)
that is, if you prefer spaces over tabs.
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