It's a huge no-no to post binaries in this group, especially ones so large. Please
cancel your
post and re-post, placing the images in povray.binaries.images.
Sorry, I can't help with your question.
All the best,
Andy Cocker
"David Fisher" <dav### [at] attbi com> wrote in message
> After my wife asked whether I should be using language like that two days
> before Christmas I figured it time I sort help!
> I'm lost trying to place the orthographic camera the basic documentation
> doesn't help (me)
> first here's my code
> camera{
> //fisheye
> orthographic
> right 4/3*x
> up 1*y // vertical size of view
> direction < 0, 0, -1 >
> angle 110
> location <0,0,1>
> rotate <0,Az,0>
> translate y*eye_height //where eye_height = 1.68/4.94490257116799
> look_at <0,eye_height, 0>
> }
> attached are two images the first is the regular perspective camera the
> second is the ortho.
> What ever I do I can't stop the ground from coming up and hitting me ( and
> no I've not been drinking). The ground by-the-way is a very large sphere,
> not a plane.
> Can someone point me to a camera tutorial or send some examples
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