This might seem off-topic, but its very POV-related:
I've played Aquanox2:Revelation and after finishing
it, went back to Aquanox 1 and played it.
Now I was wondering: If there'd be some general guide-
lines for sizes, diameters etc, one could try to accomplish
something much like the ISS, but for Deep Sea. The actual
idea I had was to create several "tile" objects, and feed these,
along with a heightfield, into a macro, which then "grows" a
little sub-city...
Using 3D-Arrays and filling those with components etc, it
should also be possible to implement something like "streets"
with submarines criss-crossing the city, much like the
scenes of those cities as seen in Star Wars II...
I guess that this is an idea that has popped up very often, right?
Someone willing to organize a group-effort production, and then
sticking only with two or three... We all know those "Lets build
a city, you can claim a piece of land and build your house"
Ah well. I haven't got the time to do some modelling right now,
but that's definitely something I'll be doing some day: some underwater
sci-fi scene...
Now, after mumbling some POV-Related thoughts, I'll be quiet
again. :-)
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
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