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I am running POV-Ray for Windows v3.5
My operating system is Windows 98
My processor is AMD ATHLON 1GHz
Memory is 256 MB
When POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\object_pattern.pov is rendered
the descending portion of the red 'y' in POV-Ray is clipped off leaving only
a 'v'.
The timrom.ttf font is good.
To see the problem better replace the 'y' with a lower case 'g'.
Dick Conley
dic### [at] localaccess com
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In article <3df7b32c@news.povray.org> , "Dick Conley"
<dic### [at] localaccess com> wrote:
> I am running POV-Ray for Windows v3.5
> My operating system is Windows 98
> My processor is AMD ATHLON 1GHz
> Memory is 256 MB
> When POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\object_pattern.pov is rendered
> the descending portion of the red 'y' in POV-Ray is clipped off leaving only
> a 'v'.
> The timrom.ttf font is good.
> To see the problem better replace the 'y' with a lower case 'g'.
I don't see what you are up to. I suggest you supply a _minimal_ scene
which shows what you think is the problem.
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"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trf de> wrote in message
> In article <3df7b32c@news.povray.org> , "Dick Conley"
> <dic### [at] localaccess com> wrote:
> > I am running POV-Ray for Windows v3.5
> > My operating system is Windows 98
> > My processor is AMD ATHLON 1GHz
> > Memory is 256 MB
> >
> > When POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\object_pattern.pov is
> > the descending portion of the red 'y' in POV-Ray is clipped off leaving
> > a 'v'.
> >
> > The timrom.ttf font is good.
> >
> > To see the problem better replace the 'y' with a lower case 'g'.
> I don't see what you are up to. I suggest you supply a _minimal_ scene
> which shows what you think is the problem.
> Thorsten
You have the entire scene. It is part of the POV-Ray package.
Start POV-Ray
Click on the Open icon
The Open dialog box appears
Click on POV-Ray for Windows v3.5
Double click on scenes
Double click on advanced
Double click on object_pattern.pov
You now have the scene.
Click on the Run icon
You will see that the bottom of the lower case letter 'y' in POV-Ray has
been cut off leaving a 'v'.
On about line 89, change POV-Ray to POV-Rag.
Run again
You will see that the 'g' is cut off also.
The text command apparently clips all descenders.
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"> When POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\object_pattern.pov is
> the descending portion of the red 'y' in POV-Ray is clipped off
leaving only
> a 'v'.
oh - the "Povrav" texture map?
fix by changing the two translate values below
which have the original values appended as comments
#declare Text_Obj=
text {
" POV-Ray 3.5",
12, 0.0
scale 0.26
translate -0.4 //.5
rotate -90*z
translate 0.5
translate .9*y //.8
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> When POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\scenes\advanced\object_pattern.pov is
> the descending portion of the red 'y' in POV-Ray is clipped off leaving
> a 'v'.
> The timrom.ttf font is good.
> To see the problem better replace the 'y' with a lower case 'g'.
This really isn't a bug, just poor use of the object pattern.
It is not the object pattern that is clipping the descending protions, but
rather the way it is being used.
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In article <3df7cf20$1@news.povray.org> , "Dick Conley"
<dic### [at] localaccess com> wrote:
> You have the entire scene. It is part of the POV-Ray package.
I said a *minimal* scene. Obviously I checked the scene you mentioned,
otherwise I could not have said that I don't see what you are up to (in the
scene). As others have pointed out, what you see does not seem to be
related to any clipping, but due to the design of the scene you mentioned.
So if you don't agree with them, please provide a minimal scene, otherwise,
if they explained the effect you are seeing, no problem.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trf de> wrote in message
> I said a *minimal* scene. Obviously I checked the scene you mentioned,
> otherwise I could not have said that I don't see what you are up to (in the
> scene). As others have pointed out, what you see does not seem to be
> related to any clipping, but due to the design of the scene you mentioned.
> So if you don't agree with them, please provide a minimal scene, otherwise,
> if they explained the effect you are seeing, no problem.
? The "others" posted after his last post - why do you imply that he is
disagreeing with them?
Furthermore, it might have been a little more helpful for Dick, not to mention
more polite, if your first post had been a) a little clearer and b) had
explained what he was seeing. From reading your post, one could only reasonably
assume that you had not run the scene in question.
Hmm, wonder if I'm still kill-filed? Soon find out....
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Dick, as Pan has pointed out, it's not a povray bug.
It's an example of an imperfectly written scene decription file. The 'y'
is OK, it's just cut off in the example our friends have written for
inclusion with povray.
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"Greg M. Johnson" wrote:
> It's an example of an imperfectly written scene decription file. The 'y'
> is OK, it's just cut off in the example our friends have written for
> inclusion with povray.
shame on me...
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 07 Dec. 2002 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> shame on me...
Have you seen mine? -- the one that won't even work because it's still using
^ ??
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