Anyone know why I dont get an orange shadow from this scene?
#include "colors.inc"
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1
max_trace_level 8
photons {
spacing 1/10
// camera
camera {
location <-10, 16, 30>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
angle 40
// lights
light_source {
<50, 100, 0>
color White
radius 0
falloff 90
tightness 60
// floor
plane {
y, 0
pigment {
checker Gray25, Gray75
scale 4
finish {
reflection 1/5
specular 1
roughness 1/50
// object - glass
#declare GAP = 1e-10;
merge {
torus {
3.8, 0.2
translate <0, 8, 0>
difference {
cylinder {
<0, 0 + GAP, 0>, <0, 8, 0>, 4
cylinder {
<0, 0.8, 0>, <0, 9, 0>, 3.6
pigment {
color rgb <0.98, 1, 0.98>
filter 0.98
finish {
reflection 1/8
specular 1
roughness 1/50
interior {
ior 1.5
photons {
reflection on
refraction on
translate <-2, 0, 5>
// object - liquid
cylinder {
<0, 0.8 + GAP, 0>, <0, 5, 0>, 3.6 - GAP
pigment {
color Orange
filter 1/2
interior {
ior 1.33
finish {
reflection 1/3
specular 1
roughness 1/50
photons {
reflection on
refraction on
translate <-2, 0, 5>
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Since you are using a gap to separate the liquid and the glass, the caustics
are very sensitive to the IOR values. The light may be "stuck" between the
liquid and the glass, or it may just be refracted sharply downward by the
high IOR of the liquid. I would reduce the IOR of the liquid to 0, and
reduce the IOR of the glass a bit also. Then, you will see the caustic
more profoundly.
David Diel
ddi### [at] mit edu
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