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Hash: SHA1
Hi everybody,
does anyone have experience with the visualisation of data using
Delaunay triangulation and/or Voronoi shapes? Is there maybe
something like a plugin for POV which takes data (i.e. points) and
calculates the triangulation by itself?
Background: I have to visualize cells for a tissue organisation
project. Biologists like triangulated cells better, because they look
much more natural than simple spherical objects.
Best regards,
Ale### [at] gmx de
+49 (0) 1 75/ 410 72 68
ICQ# 36765668
Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use <http://www.pgp.com>
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<Ale### [at] gmx de> wrote:
>does anyone have experience with the visualisation of data using
>Delaunay triangulation and/or Voronoi shapes? Is there maybe
>something like a plugin for POV which takes data (i.e. points) and
>calculates the triangulation by itself?
Well, not really, but there's the crackle pattern which is using a
Voronoi distance function in a random grid, and there's the source
code, too :)
If you know the maths, it should be possible to implement it in POV
script and functions. With a large data set and no optimizations it
can be a very slow calculation, though.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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> does anyone have experience with the visualisation of data using
> Delaunay triangulation and/or Voronoi shapes? Is there maybe
> something like a plugin for POV which takes data (i.e. points) and
> calculates the triangulation by itself?
I don't know much about this problem but perhaps below link can help
http://news.povray.org/search/?s=Voronoi :-)
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> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everybody,
> does anyone have experience with the visualisation of data using
> Delaunay triangulation and/or Voronoi shapes? Is there maybe
> something like a plugin for POV which takes data (i.e. points) and
> calculates the triangulation by itself?
Usually, with biological data, you only have a scalar field...
see http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/modelling/polygonise/
(Two differents tables are used... which gives also a different
picture... and there is no absolut best solution anyway...)
brute force (but you'd better start with a 2D first, then extend the
lines into planes). Once you get any single polygon, turning it into a
set of triangles is rather painless.
> Background: I have to visualize cells for a tissue organisation
> project. Biologists like triangulated cells better, because they look
> much more natural than simple spherical objects.
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