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Does anyone know free converter program which converts IGES or STEP to
I have searched a lot of site, but I couldn't find it.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.
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"Nikumaru" <nik### [at] ybb ne jp> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Does anyone know free converter program which converts IGES or STEP to
> VRML or POV?
> I have searched a lot of site, but I couldn't find it.
> Any advice?
> Thanks in advance.
Try: http://server.scripthost.com/wwwboard?leepilkington,display,248
They are discussing STEP->VRML, not POV. The second reply has the most relevant
info, but the first, depending on your needs, might be worth checking.
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Hi Tom,
I'll check it.
> Try: http://server.scripthost.com/wwwboard?leepilkington,display,248
> They are discussing STEP->VRML, not POV. The second reply has the most
> info, but the first, depending on your needs, might be worth checking.
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Hi Nikumaru,
check out OpenCasCade (www.opencascade.com). It can read/write STEP and IGES
and doing a VRML output. And if I got the time (think about 2 weeks it also
generates mesh2 objects :-))
Best regards,
Patrik Muller
"Nikumaru" <nik### [at] ybb ne jp> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi Tom,
> Thanks!
> I'll check it.
> Nikumaru
> > Try: http://server.scripthost.com/wwwboard?leepilkington,display,248
> >
> > They are discussing STEP->VRML, not POV. The second reply has the most
> relevant
> > info, but the first, depending on your needs, might be worth checking.
> >
> >
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Hi Patrik,
Danke shoen.
I'll also check it.
"Patrik Muller" <mue### [at] kimweb de> wrote in message
> Hi Nikumaru,
> check out OpenCasCade (www.opencascade.com). It can read/write STEP
and IGES
> and doing a VRML output. And if I got the time (think about 2 weeks it
> generates mesh2 objects :-))
> Best regards,
> Patrik Muller
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