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is it possible to calculate the view factor for all objects? I want to
calculate the "radiation-heat-transfer" from one object to another.
Thanks, Fabian
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> Hi,
> is it possible to calculate the view factor for all objects? I want to
> calculate the "radiation-heat-transfer" from one object to another.
> Thanks, Fabian
This has nothing to do with POV-Ray and raytracing but the only
practicable way i know of calculating view factors for arbitrary
geometries is the FEM based approach and since shapes in POV-Ray are not
triangle based in general there isn't any easy way of doing this.
POV-Ray tutorials, IsoWood include,
TransSkin and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 13 Aug. 2002 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
>>is it possible to calculate the view factor for all objects? I want to
>>calculate the "radiation-heat-transfer" from one object to another.
>>Thanks, Fabian
> This has nothing to do with POV-Ray and raytracing but the only
> practicable way i know of calculating view factors for arbitrary
> geometries is the FEM based approach and since shapes in POV-Ray are not
> triangle based in general there isn't any easy way of doing this.
What about using photons and counting ?
No... just a silly thought...
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> Hi,
> is it possible to calculate the view factor for all objects? I want to
> calculate the "radiation-heat-transfer" from one object to another.
> Thanks, Fabian
I guess you are talking about the *form* factor calculation for radiosity.
But even if this is true, I do not understand your question..
POV has already a method to calculate radiosity implemented.
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> I guess you are talking about the *form* factor calculation for radiosity.
> But even if this is true, I do not understand your question..
> POV has already a method to calculate radiosity implemented.
> -Ive
To calculate the total heat-transfer I need the parts for conduction,
convection and radiation. The radiation heat from one area to a second
results in the product of the average view factor and the area. With the
view factor only the areas, which are seen by an object, were considered; so
objects(areas) in the shadow of one view point were neglected.
My idea is now to change the view-point to every (almost every) point of the
scene and calculate it with an area_light. The intensity of the calculated
area_light at every considered pixel should now respond to the "view
factors". Maybe, it is possibel to write the intensity for the areas to a
file? (How?)
Greetings Fabian
(Hopefully anybody understands my English)
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