Here's something that might be a solution for the shadow line artifact
problem seen in normal modified patterns (see Pov-Ray documentation chapter
The only solution I can think of is to somhow disable self-shadowing.
Here's what I've found out...
-Using 'no_shadow' is inacceptable because this not only stops self
shadowing but turns off shadows of the object completely.
-Using a 'shadowless' lightsource is also inacceptable because it doesn't
produce highlights (?!)
-Light groups don't control the shadows (?!)
Well, here's a strange solution that seems to work...
pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> }
finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9}
location <0,1,-2>
look_at <0,0.7,0>
color rgb <1,1,1>
#declare tx = texture
normal { bumps 1 scale 0.05 }
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.9
specular 0.3 roughness 0.1
#declare ob = union
sphere { <0,1,0>,0.5 }
cylinder { <0,1,0>,<0,0,0>,0.3 }
torus { 0.5,0.05 translate <0,1,0> }
plane { y,0 }
object { ob texture{ tx } no_shadow }
pigment { transmit 1 }
interior { fade_power 10000 fade_distance 0.0001 }
It uses the same object twice, one for the image and one for the shadow.
Without the 'transmit 1' and fading it would still cast a shadow on the
visible object.
I don't know how 'stable' this method is, I haven't tested it with more
complex object yet.
Turning off light-buffers (-UL) messes up the shadows completely (don't know
what do you think?
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