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From: Johannes Dahlstrom
Subject: A problem with height field intersection algorithm
Date: 15 Oct 2002 13:55:41
Message: <3dac569c@news.povray.org>
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I'm implementing the height field object to my ray tracer and reasoned that
I should use a line drawing algorithm to check the ray against exactly
those triangles which lie along its path. I chose the Bresenham's algorithm
because of its speed. It didn't quite work: there were holes in the height
field. After some thinking I realized that it is because the fractional
parts of the entry and exit coordinates (in "pixel" units) matter, and the
standard algorithm didn't take them into account. I'd like some hints on
how to do that. Perhaps calculating somehow an initial value for the
Bresenham's "error" variable? Or should I take an entirely different
I'll post an illustration of the problem to p.b.i shortly. It'll probably
be more descriptive than my text above ;).
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From: Johannes Dahlstrom
Subject: Re: A problem with height field intersection algorithm
Date: 21 Oct 2002 10:17:20
Message: <3db40c6f@news.povray.org>
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Well, judging by the acute lack of follow-ups to this poor
excuse-for-a-thread, it seems that the topic isn't the easiest one in the
world. Even the results of an intensive Google session were pretty much
non-existent :( Looking into the POV sources, I think the heightfield code
there does more or less the same thing as I presented, but I didn't
understand much of it (there's _lots_ of code in the intersection test).
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In article <3db40c6f@news.povray.org>,
Johannes Dahlstrom <sad### [at] tkukoulu fi> wrote:
> Well, judging by the acute lack of follow-ups to this poor
> excuse-for-a-thread, it seems that the topic isn't the easiest one in the
> world. Even the results of an intensive Google session were pretty much
> non-existent :( Looking into the POV sources, I think the heightfield code
> there does more or less the same thing as I presented, but I didn't
> understand much of it (there's _lots_ of code in the intersection test).
Well, part of the reason might be that this is the wrong group...for
programming discussion, povray.programming might be a better choice. For
general non-POV graphics programming, try the USENET group
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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From: Johannes Dahlstrom
Subject: Re: A problem with height field intersection algorithm
Date: 21 Oct 2002 12:41:20
Message: <3db42e2f@news.povray.org>
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Christopher James Huff wrote:
> Well, part of the reason might be that this is the wrong group...for
> programming discussion, povray.programming might be a better choice. For
> general non-POV graphics programming, try the USENET group
> comp.graphics.algorithms.
I was quite unsure which group (if any) would be appropriate, and selected
p.g instead of p.p because my question was more about an algorithm than its
actual implementation. Besides, I thought that most people reading p.p also
read p.g... But I think I'll give the comp.graphics.algorithms a try,
thanks for the tip :)
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