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If the radius of the sphere is is .25 then I multiply the clock by 4
because .25 is 1/4 of 1! This works (I think I'm answering my own
question), but I still don't know how to reproduce the algorythm that
synchronizes the radius of the sphere with the distance traveled.
object {sphere {<0,0,0>0.25
texture {pigment {checker color White color <.1, .6, .5>
/*scale 0.25*/}
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 phong 1 phong_size 80}}
rotate <0, 0, -clock*360*4>
translate <-pi, 0.25, 0>
translate <2*pi*clock, 0, 0>}
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#declare RADIUS= 2; //or whatever
#declare ROTATION_SPEED= 3; //or whatever
#declare ROLL_VECTOR=<1,0,0>;
sphere {<0,0,0>,RADIUS
texture{ pigment{bozo}}
rotate vnormalize(vcross(y,ROLL_VECTOR))*ROTATION_SPEED*clock*360/2/pi
translate RADIUS*y +RADIUS*ROTATION_SPEED*clock*vnormalize(ROLL_VECTOR)
light_source {
<2, 10, -23>
color rgb 1
camera {
location <1, 0.5, -8>
look_at <-0,0,0>
angle 60//60
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