I've just decided to make an announcement: I'll be
spending some time wrapping my particle-system
up and making it ready for a release.
Yet I have to warn all those interested in a particle-
system: It sucks. You've got to declare variables
before including the system-include-file, and can't
take really good care of huge amounts of particles...
It was begun some two years ago, while I was still
at a beginners stage of POV-scripting, and though I've
learned a lot since then, I didn't redo my system all
the time.
So, give me some more days (perhaps two or three weeks)
and I'll release a ZIP with the system, an html which has
a description for every parameter, and some example
files. All those willing to take a look at it, can have a look,
but I don't expect a great fuss. As mentioned above, the
handling and usability sucks.
I'll use the main-code and derive some better way for it,
I was just thinking that perhaps I'd bring the system to an
end after all this time, and perhaps some would like
to toy around with such an aged system, I mostly expect
that you can learn from the sometimes quick and easy
algorithms, and some that are just painstakenly stupid... :-)
Ah well. Perhaps I'll release some code even before I've
finished everything, just for you to toy with...
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
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For those interested just how BAD the
setup is, I've uploaded a simple scene-file
with all possible parameters to
Enjoy... >:-) Muhahaha!
Ah well,
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
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