I have a GUIEXT that I want to release to the POV community. Does anyone
have any objection to me using the POVLEGAL document as a template for the
license agreement? And by template, I mean copying and editing to suite
this particular GUIEXT. Making sure also to state very clearly that this is
a GUIEXT for POV-Ray, and that this program extends POV-Ray is in no way
affiliated with the official POV-Ray project.
#macro Q(A,E,W)box{-A/2,A/2pigment{rgb 9*W}translate E*A+W/1000}#end#macro
M(D,E)#local A=1/pow(3,D);#if(D<3)#local C=D+1;union{M(C,1)M(C,x+y)M(C,x+z)
x-z)M(C,z-y)M(C,x-y-z)M(C,y-x-z)M(C,z-x-y)translate A*E}#else Q(A,E,x)Q(A,E
,y)Q(A,E,z)#end#end union{M(0,0)rotate<45,145,0>translate z*2}//Andrew
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