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A few questions if I may?
For my present WIP I'm using ac3d a fair bit for some simple modelling, and over
the last couple of days, PoV has changed a few characters or numbers in the ac3d
mesh code. For example, it will change a digit for a $ sign, or it might say that
"...an expected (whatever)... but > found instead", when it *IS* there and should
be there anyway, or the other day it changed 'smooth_triangle' for
These aren't really a problem as all I have to do is change back to a previous
digit or letter.
It's a near 8Mb file so far and my main questions are; how far, and how big
(filesize wise) can I go?
What can PoV handle?
I have a feeling that it's the filesize that's doing this?
My worry is that although the image looks fine at the moment, I fear that
after using some media and possibly other time-intensive code like focal_blur, I
may never get the image to render in the end because also a few days ago PoV
crashed and I lost most of the code I was working on, (it went back about 8
stages!) Luckily, I had already saved a .jpg image of the scene, so I used it for
reference, and the ac3d files weren't affected, so I could still use them.
Any comments?
PS. Quick tip for any new-users out there who might be creating large filesize
scenes; use 'select all' and copy and paste into a new file and then name the file
using a different name like 'myfile2.pov'. It will save you a lot of hassle if you
encounter problems like I have! ;)
PPS. For PoV admin; 'Tips and Tricks' forum?
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: PoV can change characters...
Date: 12 Sep 2002 17:49:08
Message: <3d810bd4@news.povray.org>
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St. wrote:
> Any comments?
I've seen this extact same behavior: when my CPU was burning...
literally. It died some week latter. No kidding! :(
Jaime Vives Piqueres
La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
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"Jaime Vives Piqueres" <jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote in message
> St. wrote:
> > Any comments?
> I've seen this extact same behavior: when my CPU was burning...
> literally. It died some week latter. No kidding! :(
I believe you, honest! :) But I think I know my kit now, and it ain't gonna
happen Jaime, everything else works fine, no problems.
However, if you don't see me around in a couple of weeks time, please send out a
search party... I'll be over there somewhere >>> frantically waving a PoV
flag... ;)
> --
> Jaime Vives Piqueres
> La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
> http://www.ignorancia.org
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From: Sir Charles W Shults III
Subject: Re: PoV can change characters...
Date: 12 Sep 2002 20:34:46
Message: <3d8132a6@news.povray.org>
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Are you overclocking your CPU? I have seen such glitches in those cases.
Chip Shults
My robotics, space and CGI web page - http://home.cfl.rr.com/aichip
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"St." wrote:
> A few questions if I may?
> For my present WIP I'm using ac3d a fair bit for some simple modelling, and over
> the last couple of days, PoV has changed a few characters or numbers in the ac3d
> mesh code. For example, it will change a digit for a $ sign, or it might say that
> "...an expected (whatever)... but > found instead", when it *IS* there and should
> be there anyway, or the other day it changed 'smooth_triangle' for
> 'smogth_triangle'.
I used to have that problem with the POV-Ray v3.0 editor but I have never seen
this happen with the CodeMax editor released with POV-Ray v3.1. I've loaded
100mb files without problems in the CodeMax editor so I know file size is not
to blame. It might be a memory problem on your machine or perhaps like the
others have said your processor is having problems.
When I had problems with the v3.0 editor I would close the program after every
3 saves and that kept me from having the character replacement problem you
described above. This is just a bandaid for the real problem though, whatever
that is.
Ken Tyler
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"Ken" <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote in message
> "St." wrote:
>....or the other day it changed 'smooth_triangle' for 'smogth_triangle'.
> I used to have that problem with the POV-Ray v3.0 editor but I have never seen
> this happen with the CodeMax editor released with POV-Ray v3.1. I've loaded
> 100mb files without problems in the CodeMax editor so I know file size is not
> to blame. It might be a memory problem on your machine or perhaps like the
> others have said your processor is having problems.
> When I had problems with the v3.0 editor I would close the program after every
> 3 saves and that kept me from having the character replacement problem you
> described above. This is just a bandaid for the real problem though, whatever
> that is.
Thanks for that Ken, I think you may be right with the memory. I remember a
couple of years ago I was getting little glitches in other programmes until I
upped from a 64Mb stick and added another 128Mb alongside it. That seemed to cure
all problems back then.
> --
> Ken Tyler
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"Sir Charles W. Shults III" <aic### [at] cfl rr com> wrote in message
> Are you overclocking your CPU? I have seen such glitches in those cases.
No, it's running at what it should be, 600Mhz, 192Mb RAM. I think it's a
memory issue.
> Cheers!
> Chip Shults
> My robotics, space and CGI web page - http://home.cfl.rr.com/aichip
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Try docmem:
It's free and will allow you to thoroughly test your memory. When I have
your kind of problem, docmem is waht I use to ferret out the cause.
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From: St
Subject: Re: PoV ***CANNOT*** change characters, it's my memory that's failing me... Pardon? ;)
Date: 14 Sep 2002 14:13:21
Message: <3d837c41@news.povray.org>
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"Jim Kress" <nos### [at] kressworks com> wrote in message
> Try docmem:
Jim, passed over to O-T.
> Jim
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