Hi all
I've just started playing around with isosurfaces, only without much
Here's a snippet of my code:
#local round = 0.2;
isosurface {
function{f_superellipsoid(x,y,z, round, round)}
contained_by { box { -1, 1 } }
I would expect this to produce a round box, but all I see is the container
box with some artefacts.
My aim to produce a round box as would appear if using the superellipsiod
primitive - I'm using an isosurface though because I want to later deform it
with a noise function.
I'm guessing there's a simple solution I've overlooked in the manual.
thanks in advance
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In article <3d7bc4f5@news.povray.org>,
"James Taylor" <jim### [at] blueyonder co uk> wrote:
> I would expect this to produce a round box, but all I see is the container
> box with some artefacts.
I can think of two possibilities:
1: the shape is simply bigger than the container. Try making the
container bigger.
2: the superellipsoid is inside-out for some reason...use "open" or
modify the function.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Thanks - I think it was inside out - I changed the function to
-f_superellipsoid(x,y,z, round, round)
|----mulitiplied the thing by -1
and I get the 'proper' result
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