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Where do they come from and how do I choose which one is the best for my
actual case ?
Also when clicking on "newsgroups" on www.povray.org I got only two
newsgroups into my Outlook-Express.
Hmm ... maybe there is a FAQ about all these newsgroups somewhere ?
Theo Gottwald
Distributed Network-Rendering auf bis zu 600 PC's mit SMPOV und POV-Ray 3.5
Download ab sofort bei http://www.it-berater.org/smpov.htm
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"Theo Gottwald *" <The### [at] t-online de> wrote in message
> Where do they come from and how do I choose which one is the best for my
> actual case ?
> Also when clicking on "newsgroups" on www.povray.org I got only two
> newsgroups into my Outlook-Express.
> Hmm ... maybe there is a FAQ about all these newsgroups somewhere ?
(I'm serios)
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From: Christoph Hormann
Subject: Re: There are 12 newsgroups about povray
Date: 30 Aug 2002 15:11:44
Message: <3D6FC370.60BD036D@gmx.de>
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Theo Gottwald * wrote:
> Where do they come from and how do I choose which one is the best for my
> actual case ?
> Also when clicking on "newsgroups" on www.povray.org I got only two
> newsgroups into my Outlook-Express.
> Hmm ... maybe there is a FAQ about all these newsgroups somewhere ?
POV-Ray tutorials, IsoWood include,
TransSkin and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 13 Aug. 2002 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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I guess with time & a little advice from the profis I get all the necessary
basic-knowledge soon together.
That link is really essential for beginners like me !
Distributed Network-Rendering auf bis zu 600 PC's mit SMPOV und POV-Ray 3.5
Download ab sofort bei http://www.it-berater.org/smpov.htm
"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Theo Gottwald * wrote:
> >
> > Where do they come from and how do I choose which one is the best for my
> > actual case ?
> >
> > Also when clicking on "newsgroups" on www.povray.org I got only two
> > newsgroups into my Outlook-Express.
> >
> > Hmm ... maybe there is a FAQ about all these newsgroups somewhere ?
> >
> http://www.povray.org/resources/newsgroups/
> Christoph
> --
> POV-Ray tutorials, IsoWood include,
> TransSkin and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
> Last updated 13 Aug. 2002 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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