In article <3d692288$1@news.povray.org>,
"Boryana" <neo### [at] hotmaill com> wrote:
> Where can I find documentation about the determinate instruction?
The what?
POV doesn't have a "determinate" command/instruction/whatever. As far as
I know, none of the patches have this either. Are you asking about
matrix mathematics? The POV source code?
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 13:34:37 -0500, "Boryana"
<neo### [at] hotmaill com> wrote:
> Where can I find documentation about the determinate instruction?
Hello Boryana,
while there is no determinant function in the POV-Ray scripting
language per se, you can write your own. Computing a determinant is
pretty straight forward.
The vector functions in the POV-Ray scripting language provide some
shortcuts. If you take a look at the Reorient() macro in the standard
includes, you'll see a pretty neat means to calculate a 3x3
determinant. For a 4x4, you can use the old pow(-1,j+k)*D(i,j)
formula. Or you can just stick to permutations for a general case.
Any book on linear algebra should have the formulas you need.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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