...when I tried to render this with POV-Ray 3.5 win32:
camera { sky z*1 up z*1 right <4/3, 0.0, 0.0>location <44, 123, 22>
look_at <2, 3, -3> angle 39
normal {onion 1
normal_map {[0 quilted 0]
[0.452 quilted 0]
[0.75 quilted 0.1 scale <0.03, 0.04, 0.04>]
[1 quilted 0.15 scale <0.03, 0.04, 0.04>]}}}
Message is : 'returned from renderer due to access violation exception'
Without normal map on camera, rendering is OK.
I know this kind of code isn't usually, but earlier versions of POV(3, 3.1),
or MegaPOV, or POVMan have no problems there. Code is a part of my IRTC
image, Third place on march 1999 round.
POV didn't crash, also didn't render.
However, Thanks to POV team for releasing POV 3.5.; all other is fine. I
have a bad manner to think that POV can't fail at all.
ant### [at] matkovic com
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> ...when I tried to render this with POV-Ray 3.5 win32:
> camera { sky z*1 up z*1 right <4/3, 0.0, 0.0>location <44, 123, 22>
> look_at <2, 3, -3> angle 39
> normal {onion 1
> normal_map {[0 quilted 0]
> [0.452 quilted 0]
> [0.75 quilted 0.1 scale <0.03, 0.04, 0.04>]
> [1 quilted 0.15 scale <0.03, 0.04, 0.04>]}}}
I can confirm it as I came upon this a few days ago. It looks like there's a
problem with normal maps in camera statements.
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