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Hi all,
I just ask here since I'm definitely no advanced-user but had to do with
POV-Ray 3.1 quite extensively just a long time ago :o)
I want to know how I can produce a nice "visible" sun and nice clauds.
Of course, there are some standard clauds (-> sky_sphere), but I found a
really brilliant picture on povray.org where I really do not know how to
reproduce it......
a brilliant sun:
some brilliant clauds:
Does anyone have a tiny example code for me?
Thanks in advance,
Christian Parpart.
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On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 16:21:29 +0200, Christian Parpart <cpa### [at] surakware net>
> I want to know how I can produce a nice "visible" sun and nice clauds.
Wait a few days for code of http://10best.raytrace.com/short2/pto_800.jpg
It is only 243 characters of code.
> Does anyone have a tiny example code for me?
Have you tried http://news.povray.org/search/advanced/?s=clouds ?
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ABX inspired the electrons to say:
> On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 16:21:29 +0200, Christian Parpart
> <cpa### [at] surakware net> wrote:
>> I want to know how I can produce a nice "visible" sun and nice clauds.
> Wait a few days for code of http://10best.raytrace.com/short2/pto_800.jpg
> It is only 243 characters of code.
Why a few days? Hae? Did you create that nice picture? Well, I'd be happy
with the source as it is ;)
However, thanx anyway :D
>> Does anyone have a tiny example code for me?
> Have you tried http://news.povray.org/search/advanced/?s=clouds ?
I'm working on it right now :o)
Christian Parpart.
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news: 3d47f269@news.povray.org...
> a brilliant sun:
> http://www-public.tu-bs.de:8080/~y0013390/pov/water/water03_3a.jpg
The author (Christoph Hormann) is currently on holidays but you can try to
drop him an email.
> some brilliant clauds:
Actually this is a picture made with Terragen.
Not that there's any prohibition about using a Terragen-generated bitmap of
clouds in Povray because it's fast, nice and easy.
Volumetric clouds are not easy to create directly in Povray but have other
advantages (see the stacks method by Jaime Vives Piqueres here
- Graphic experiments
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On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 17:27:12 +0200, Christian Parpart <cpa### [at] surakware net>
> Why a few days?
Becouse page with results of second round of Shortest Code Contest is not
ready yet.
> Hae?
Sorry, I don't understand this question.
> Did you create that nice picture?
No, I have only power for rendering.
> Well, I'd be happy with the source as it is ;)
Source will be as is. There are other reasons for delays probably. Patience is
a good habit in pov-world :-)
> > > Does anyone have a tiny example code for me?
> > Have you tried http://news.povray.org/search/advanced/?s=clouds ?
> I'm working on it right now :o)
Try also search feature at www.irtc.org
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ABX inspired the electrons to say:
>> Hae?
> Sorry, I don't understand this question.
"Hae" = "Hugh"
as you'd probably say "hugh?" it is also common in germany to say "hae?"
whenever something seems mystic for you :-P
>> > > Does anyone have a tiny example code for me?
>> > Have you tried http://news.povray.org/search/advanced/?s=clouds ?
>> I'm working on it right now :o)
> Try also search feature at www.irtc.org
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On Thu, 01 Aug 2002 15:24:26 +0200 Christian Parpart wrote:
>"Hae" = "Hugh"
>as you'd probably say "hugh?" it is also common in germany to say "hae?"
>whenever something seems mystic for you :-P
Okay, I think it would be 'huh?' to English speakers.
ako### [at] povray org
a k o n g <at> p o v r a y <dot> o r g
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"Alan Kong" <ako### [at] povrayWWW SPAM COM org> wrote in message
> Okay, I think it would be 'huh?' to English speakers.
In a thread entitled "Sun and Clauds", you're worrying about the spelling of
"huh"? Getalife ;)
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A lot depends on what you want your visible sun to do for you and the
solutions range from simple textures or objects to complex
function-media-object-texture-photon-dispersion stuff.
I put a couple of examples up in p.b.images. Hope it helps.
Christian Parpart wrote:
>Hi all,
>I just ask here since I'm definitely no advanced-user but had to do with
>POV-Ray 3.1 quite extensively just a long time ago :o)
>I want to know how I can produce a nice "visible" sun and nice clauds.
>Of course, there are some standard clauds (-> sky_sphere), but I found a
>really brilliant picture on povray.org where I really do not know how to
>reproduce it......
>a brilliant sun:
>some brilliant clauds:
>Does anyone have a tiny example code for me?
>Thanks in advance,
>Christian Parpart.
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Abe inspired the electrons to say:
> A lot depends on what you want your visible sun to do for you and the
> solutions range from simple textures or objects to complex
> function-media-object-texture-photon-dispersion stuff.
> I put a couple of examples up in p.b.images. Hope it helps.
Yessa, thankx. That's it ;o)
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