In article <3d46d0bb@news.povray.org> , Artis <art### [at] aaa apollo lv> wrote:
> In Mozilla 1.0 and Konqueror the graphic on the right side is shifted to
> the left just under the header of the page.
Yes, this always happens if the page width is too small and is intentional.
The functionality of the page is not reduced. In somebrowsers which have a
smaller window border the page will even be displayed without such problems.
Unfortuantely this is not always true for Mozilla (I don't use Linux, so I
don't have Konqueror)...
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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> Yes, this always happens if the page width is too small and is
> intentional.
Intentional, what good it is to make the page even smaller? I would
understand if it would shift to the right and make more space available.
But I can live with that until I get a decent monitor... In a year or two...
A real problem is that most of the hosted Matt Kruse's Raytracing
Competition isn't accessible due to bad links...
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