POV-Ray 3.5 for Linux
file:/usr/local/share/doc/povray-3.5/html/intro.html reads:
| Welcome to the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, v3.5. This help file
| contains detailed instructions and tutorials on POV-Ray, POV-Ray for
| Windows, [...]
Should be "Unix". I doubt if intro.html is necessary in the unix version.
Btw, the link to logotext.jpg is broken.
It would be great to have http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/index/
included in the unix package, because it's not very elegant to grep all the
html files each time one searches a keyword.
The keywords themselves should be links, so that it's possible to simply
text search the file with the browser. In the current version at povray.org
a search gives not only keyword names but also section names.
file:/usr/local/share/doc/povray-3.5/html/povdoc_018.html appears to be
file:/usr/local/share/doc/povray-3.5/html/povdoc_023.html reads:
| Each version has platform-specific documentation not included here.
Superfluous. (Only valid for the online version.)
| The Linux version documentation contains a plain text file povlinux.doc
| which contains its specific docs. It can be found in the main directory
| where you installed POV-Ray such as /usr/.../povray35.
| The generic Unix version documentation contains a plain text file
| povunix.doc which contains its specific docs. It can be found in the main
| directory where you installed POV-Ray such as /usr/.../povray35.
Has to be updated.
file:/usr/local/share/doc/povray-3.5/html/povdoc_tgt.html is IMHO rather
F'up2 p.u
Felix Wiemann
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