> Can I? / How do I make radiosity work on one object and not another?
> or not efect a certain color? I like the way radiosity changes the color
> one thing in my scene, but I don't want it to change another object.
Hi Ace,
The only solution I can think of is to render two images: one with, and one
without radiosity, then merge them manually outside Pov-ray. Unfortunately
this method is tricky.
The reason why such a feature doesn't exsist in Pov, is probably that it's
not a phenomene found in nature. It's possible a scene would benefit from
it, to please the eye, but unless you're after an abstract look, the best
thing would probably be to solve the visual problem in a realistic way.
Eventually - another trick - if you're trying to maintain a strong color,
then make it even stronger (Pov doesn't have the usual limits for this) so
the added radiosity light doesn't show up.. A tinted effect might be
possible with something like:
pigment { rgb <5,0,0> }
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.2 metallic }
Notice the low diffuse to compensate for the strong red color definition.
The final result should be within the usual range of colors and 'metallic'
ensures that specular highlight doesn't take on another color than red...
I don't know if this works for you.
Best regards,
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"Ace" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote in message
> Hello all,
> Can I? / How do I make radiosity work on one object and not another?
> or not efect a certain color? I like the way radiosity changes the color
> one thing in my scene, but I don't want it to change another object.
> TIA!!
> Gary
Use the 'save_file' 'load_file' options for rad data and either:
1. Render the image without said object (this way it won't create or pick up
radiosity effects)
2. Render the image with the texture of said object made flat black (this
way it *should* not create rad effects but it *should* pick them up)
Render as above with save_file, then restore the object and render with
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