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I'm using polygons in my scene for the first time, but am getting the
following warning, even with the example lifted straight from the
Warning: Polygon not closed. Closing it.
Using 3.5icl.win32 final release.
It's not a big problem, as the polygons seem to be rendering fine.
Any ideas?
All the best,
Andy Cocker
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In article <3d2dd2a8@news.povray.org> , "Andrew Cocker" <mai### [at] mariner9 net>
> Warning: Polygon not closed. Closing it.
> Using 3.5icl.win32 final release.
> It's not a big problem, as the polygons seem to be rendering fine.
> Any ideas?
Hmm, this warning message is as clear as I can imagine. What part of it
don't you understand?
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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> Warning: Polygon not closed. Closing it.
> Any ideas?
The polygon is not closed. POV-Ray is closing it.
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"TinCanMan" <Tin### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> > Warning: Polygon not closed. Closing it.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
Seriously though, from ' Polygon' : "If the last sub-polygon is not
closed a warning is issued and the program automatically closes the
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"Andrew Cocker" <mai### [at] mariner9 net> wrote in news:3d2dd2a8@news.povray.org:
> Warning: Polygon not closed. Closing it.
so... close it :)
copy 1-st point of polygon in to end of poligon (for linear_spline)
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> Warning: Polygon not closed. Closing it.
"Closing" a polygon means making sure the beginning and end of your list of
points matches up with each other. If it starts at <1,1>, goes to <2,3>, and
ends at <3,1>, then it's not closed. (imagine drawing lines between those
points; you would only draw two sides of the triangle.) In order to close
it, you have to add <1,1> at the end of the list (this is analagous to
bringing your pen to the point you started at).
With linear prisms this is a common mistake, and it doesn't really cause a
problem as you've seen. I usually don't worry about it. However, when you
get into quadratic and cubic splines, matching up the ends is more
important, since the ends of the list of control points don't exactly
correspond to the ends of the spline.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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