I have come across a problem that has me perplexed.
The scene below illustrates the problem. When the scene is rendered with
originally (with photons or without) without radiosity, the dispersion works
correctly for both the photons and for regular dispersion. However, when I
turn on radiosity and interupt it mid-render something funky happens to the
dispersion. Turn radiosity back off and rerender with just dispersion. Now
the dispersion no longer works for either regular or photons. Close POV and
reopen and rerender without radiosity and dispersion has returned! I have
no clue as to what is causing this (perhaps some sort of memory issue?)
See the images posted in p.b.i for the versions as rendered by me.
My machine: P4, 1GHz, 256 MB RAM, WIN2000 Professional
POV 3.5 for windows (final release)
Does anyone have any idea why or is the a legitimate bug that should be
Can anyone else confirm? Perhaps it is platform specific
sample scene:
//start sample scene
#declare Pho = yes;
#declare Rad = no;
#default{finish{ambient 0 diffuse 0.55}}
global_settings {
adc_bailout 0.00001
ambient_light 1
assumed_gamma 1.8
max_trace_level 50
#if (Rad)
count 500
#if (Pho)
count 500000
radius 1.0
autostop 0
camera {
up y
angle 42
location <0,5,-18>
look_at <0,5,0>
right x*image_width/image_height
light_source {0 rgb 1
fade_power 2 fade_distance 12
translate 11*y
photons{refraction on reflection on}
light_source {0 rgb .5
fade_power 2 fade_distance 12
translate 5*y
photons{refraction off reflection off}
box{-2, 2}
plane{y 0 rotate z*30 translate x*2}
plane{-y 0 rotate -z*30 translate x*2}
plane{-z 0 rotate y*30 translate x*2}
rotate -z*20 translate y*5
pigment{rgbf 1}
finish{diffuse 0.0
reflection {0 1 fresnel on metallic 0}
ior 1.65
dispersion 1.1
dispersion_samples 21
fade_distance 15
fade_power 1000
target 1
reflection on
refraction on
collect off
box {<-6, -1, -5>, <6, 13, 6>}
box {<-5, 0, -6>, <5, 10, 5>}
box {<-0.01, 9, -0.3>, <0.01,12, 0.3>}
texture{pigment{checker rgb 0 rgb 1}}
//end sample scene
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"TinCanMan" <Tin### [at] hotmail com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Does anyone have any idea why or is the a legitimate bug that should be
> reported?
> Can anyone else confirm? Perhaps it is platform specific
I can't confirm. The dispersion works even after an interupted rad-render.
WinPov 3.5, WinXP Pro, 256 MB
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> My machine: P4, 1GHz, 256 MB RAM, WIN2000 Professional
> POV 3.5 for windows (final release)
I can also confirm this on my home machine:
466MHz, 320MB RAM, WIN XP
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