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Redesigned my website once again..
Comments on design and my POV-Ray work are very welcome!
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Peter Hertel wrote:
> Redesigned my website once again..
> http://hertel.no/peter
> Comments on design and my POV-Ray work are very welcome!
nice design. there are (m)any browser which can not interpret you nice
css-code correctly.
the explanatation before you povray gallery is good, but IMHO those guys
who visit your page know how to use it.
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POV-Ray Cloth experiments: http://geitenkaas.dns2go.com/experiments/
Email: apa### [at] yahoo com
ICQ: 146690431
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In article <3d20b528@news.povray.org>, not### [at] available net says...
> there are (m)any browser which can not interpret you nice
> css-code correctly.
Hu? The CSS isn't very complicated. Even old buggy Netscape 4 can display
it without horrible too errors ;-)
And everything is still fully functional in non CSS compliant browsers.
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In article <3d207945$1@news.povray.org>, peter@hertel**NOSPAM**.no
> Redesigned my website once again..
> http://hertel.no/peter
There is something strange with your html code, you start with <head>,
but close it before <link> and only after that you open <html>.
Also the doctype declaration is missing.
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> > Redesigned my website once again..
> > http://hertel.no/peter
> > Comments on design and my POV-Ray work are very welcome!
> nice design. there are (m)any browser which can not interpret you nice
> css-code correctly.
I've now tested the page in Opera 6, IE5, IE6 and Netscape 6.2.1 all works
The users of older browsers will have to suffer for my benefit of a more
dynamic site :)
If you turn off the CSS (great feature in Opera) It become plain, boring and
white all over..but still viewable.
> the explanatation before you povray gallery is good, but IMHO those guys
> who visit your page know how to use it.
If you mean my attempt to describe my table setup, I agree..After looking at
it a couple of times, I concluded with it was more messy and confusing than
useful. It's now removed!
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That'd be:
just changed it ;-)
I agree!
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> > Redesigned my website once again..
> > http://hertel.no/peter
> There is something strange with your html code, you start with <head>,
> but close it before <link> and only after that you open <html>.
Oops..embarrasing..should be fixed now..
> Also the doctype declaration is missing.
Now it's there, I hope I got it right..
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