The last version of povedit is on
New features, bug fixes.
Here are the main features :
File menu
"Help on this menu" NO
"New File" YES
"Open File" YES
"Close All",YES
"Save as",YES
"Save All",YES
"Print",YES but text is not formatted.
"Print setup" NO, seems difficult
"Older files" partially
"Exit" YES
Edit menu
"Help on this menu",NO
"Undo",YES ;-)
"Cut Ctrl + X",YES
"Copy Ctrl + C",YES
"Paste Ctrl + V",YES
"Delete Ctrl + Z",YES
"Select all Ctrl + A",NO
"Selection" ,NO
Search menu
"Help on this menu",NO
"Find... Ctrl + F",YES
"Replace... Ctrl + H",partially
"Find Next F",YES
"Match Brace Ctrl + ]",NO
"Go to line... Ctrl + G",NO
Text menu : NO
Editor menu : NO
Insert menu : YES
Render menu : NO, render with F4
Options menu : NO
Tools menu : NO
GUI-Extensions menu : NO
Help menu : NO
Launch render : F4
Error messages are in "Messages" editor
Syntactic colorization : partial
ButtonBar : Inactive.
auto detection of the local config --> no need to edit files.
If you have an older version, just download the files poveditor.py and
Send me your comments!
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