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PoseRay is now at version 2.0.
PoseRay manual online:
What is PoseRay?
PoseRay is an utility to convert Wavefront OBJ files into POV-Ray or
MegaPOV code and Moray UDO files. It handles the geometry, cameras and
lighting with the least intervention from the user and it was done with
ease of operation in mind.
A list of main features includes (Check the history for changes with the
new version):
Import Geometry from Wavefront obj files. They can be exported from Poser
or other 3D programs.
Geometry transformation: Translate, rotate, scale and axis transpose.
Normal transformation: flip and rescale.
UV transformation: remove, transpose, flip u, flip v, scale u, scale v.
Export POV-Ray 3.5 and MegaPOV 0.7a code using mesh2{} or mesh{}
Export of Moray v3.3 UDO files.
Import Materials from Wavefront mtl files that are usually exported along
with the obj files.
Material editor including color, surface finish, texture and bumpmap
Blending of textures and color in the same material
Groups and materials are kept in the translation.
Import Camera from Poser 4.03 and Pro Pack scene files
Import Lights from Poser 4.03 and Pro Pack scene files
Light editor with options for color, intensity, position, rotation, light
type and shadow.
Camera editor with options for angle, type, position, rotation and focal
Create camera settings that will show all the geometry
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Thank you for PoseRay!
"FlyerX" <fly### [at] excite com> wrote in message
> Hello,
> PoseRay is now at version 2.0.
> Homepage:
> http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/
> PoseRay manual online:
> http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/poserayhelp.htm
> What is PoseRay?
> PoseRay is an utility to convert Wavefront OBJ files into POV-Ray or
> MegaPOV code and Moray UDO files. It handles the geometry, cameras and
> lighting with the least intervention from the user and it was done with
> ease of operation in mind.
> A list of main features includes (Check the history for changes with the
> new version):
> Geometry:
> Import Geometry from Wavefront obj files. They can be exported from Poser
> or other 3D programs.
> Geometry transformation: Translate, rotate, scale and axis transpose.
> Normal transformation: flip and rescale.
> UV transformation: remove, transpose, flip u, flip v, scale u, scale v.
> Export POV-Ray 3.5 and MegaPOV 0.7a code using mesh2{} or mesh{}
> definitions.
> Export of Moray v3.3 UDO files.
> Materials:
> Import Materials from Wavefront mtl files that are usually exported along
> with the obj files.
> Material editor including color, surface finish, texture and bumpmap
> properties.
> Blending of textures and color in the same material
> Groups and materials are kept in the translation.
> Lights+Camera:
> Import Camera from Poser 4.03 and Pro Pack scene files
> Import Lights from Poser 4.03 and Pro Pack scene files
> Light editor with options for color, intensity, position, rotation, light
> type and shadow.
> Camera editor with options for angle, type, position, rotation and focal
> blur.
> Create camera settings that will show all the geometry
> enjoy,
> FlyerX
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