I wanted to store a vector from a spline in Temp but can't figure why
this doesn't work in v3.5 or megapov 0.7. What am I doing wrong?
//#version 3.5;
//#version unofficial MegaPov 0.7;
camera { location -4*z look_at 1 }
light_source {-10*z rgb 1 }
#declare Step = <0.5,0.5,0>;
#declare Count = 0;
// Make a path
#declare MySpl =
spline{ linear_spline
#while (Count<10)
Count, Count*Step
#declare Count=Count+1;
//#declare Temp = <0,0,0>; // Force type
sphere{ MySpl(2), 0.5 pigment{ rgb 1 } } // OK
#declare Temp = MySpl(2); // Error here
version 3.5 says:
#declare Temp = MySpl( <----ERROR
Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive', ( found instead
MegaPov says:
error: cannot copy identifier
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