Can somebody can help me to simulate an "Atmospheric blue media" like
Terragen does (for example) this test scene following use the fog to
simulate it but I think I can does it better with medias... the fog is too
simple and the far spheres looks to be erased by the fog, I just want to
make them blue-er like when you look at far mountains at the morning...
// MEDIA test... without media so !
background {color rgb <0.1, 0.1, 0.8>}
light_source {<30, -30, 100> color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 0.9>
area_light <-10,-10,-10><10,10,10>,5,5
adaptive 2
plane {z,0 texture {pigment {color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 0.9>}}}
camera {location <0, 0, 1.7> look_at <0.0, 50.0, 1.0>}
#declare yy = 0;
#while (yy < 31)
sphere {<3, yy*8, 1>1 pigment {color rgb <0.7, 0.1, 0.2>}}
sphere {<-3, yy*8, 1>1 pigment {color rgb <0.7, 0.1, 0.2>}}
#declare yy = yy + 1;
fog {
fog_type 1
distance 150
color rgb <0.5, 0.5, 0.8>
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"_Light_Beam_" <fac### [at] aol com> wrote in message
> Can somebody can help me to simulate an "Atmospheric blue media" like
> Terragen does
> the fog is too
> simple and the far spheres looks to be erased by the fog, I just want to
> make them blue-er like when you look at far mountains at the morning...
Easiest way is to use transmit in your fog color. media is still slow
compared to fog. Try this:
fog {
fog_type 2 // used ground type so it would fade out with elevation
distance 75 // I shortened this to enhance the air effect some
fog_alt 5
fog_offset 0.0001
color rgbt <0.5, 0.5, 0.8, 0.333> // decrease transmit value for denser
rotate 90*x // needed so it is oriented correctly for your camera view
Only an example of course, nothing more. If you really must use media take a
look at the files posted at either povray.binaries.scene-files or
povray.text.scene-files. You'll need to search for something like "media
sky" or "rayleigh scattering". I found one just now by Nathan Kopp at the
binaries scene files group, subject Scattering media sky dated 11/1/2000.
bob h
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