I am having problems trying to contain an object. The object defined is:
#declare DaggerHilt =
union {
difference {
height_field {
tga "DaggerHilt.tga"
hierarchy on
translate <-0.5, -0.5, -0.5>
rotate <-90,0,0>
scale <0.3,1,0.1>
photons {target reflection on}
box{<-0.2,-0.6,-0.02>,<0.2,0.6,2> pigment {rgbft <1,1,1,0,1>}
no_shadow no_reflection no_image photons {collect off}
difference {
superellipsoid {<0.10, 0.30> scale <0.033,0.11,0.045>}
cylinder{<-0.15,0,0>,<0.15,0,0>,0.015 translate <0,0.10,-0.05>}
cylinder{<-0.15,0,0>,<0.15,0,0>,0.015 translate <0,-0.10,-0.05>}
cylinder{<-0.15,0,0>,<0.15,0,0>,0.015 translate <0,0.10,0.05>}
cylinder{<-0.15,0,0>,<0.15,0,0>,0.015 translate <0,-0.10,0.05>}
translate <-0.01,0.005,-0.035>
photons {target reflection on}
texture {BChrome rotate z * 90}
The XXXXXX lines are different places where I have tried to place a
container. In this case the container would be:
contained_by {box <-2,-2,-2>,<2,2,2>}
Povray tells me that it expects the end of the union or difference
(depending on where I place the container.) If I don't contain this
object povray considers it infinite. I'm trying to get rid of the infinite
objects to help the photons.
How can I contain this thing or make it finite?
Patrick Dugan
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In article <QXx$oFAnd1p8Ewym@econym.demon.co.uk>,
Mike Williams <mik### [at] nospam please> wrote:
> >Perhaps you are confusing contained_by with bounded_by ?
> Perhaps you are confusing contained_by and clipped_by ?
It doesn't sound like it...bounded_by is the feature used to, well,
bound infinite objects, and based on the description it is the one he
The clipped_by feature is for removing parts of an object that are
outside another object, which doesn't seem to have anything to do with
The contained_by keyword is only used in isosurfaces, to specify the
volume in which to test for the surface. It has never been used for
other objects (except maybe parametric), and wasn't even added until
after the isosurface patch had been around a while. (previous versions
reused bounded_by, which caused some problems)
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] mac com>
POV-Ray TAG e-mail: chr### [at] tag povray org
TAG web site: http://tag.povray.org/
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