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does anyone know of a conversion utility that will take me from an Imagine
.iob file to a pov mesh? or to any more common format - DFX or OBJ etc
- I had one quite a while ago (2 years?) and I seem to remember it being
a demo so after the 30 days I uninstalled it. and now of course its no-where
to be seen on the web.
also 3DWin has a 'coming soon' next to the Imagine format.
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Well, I have Imagine, so if it's not a huge mesh (I'm on dial-up), I could
convert it for you.
All the best,
Andy Cocker
"jimbobjim" <jim### [at] blueyonder co uk> wrote in message
> Hey
> does anyone know of a conversion utility that will take me from an Imagine
> .iob file to a pov mesh? or to any more common format - DFX or OBJ etc
> - I had one quite a while ago (2 years?) and I seem to remember it
> a demo so after the 30 days I uninstalled it. and now of course its
> to be seen on the web.
> also 3DWin has a 'coming soon' next to the Imagine format.
> thanks
> jim
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Thanks, but it's a fairly hefty file and it dates back to Imagine 2 on my
Amiga 500 (free courtesy of Amiga Format Dec '93). I just downloaded the
Windows demo and the whole thing is pretty much as I remember it, but being
a demo it doesn't export files.
thanks again
"Andrew Cocker" <big### [at] mariner9 fsnet co uk> wrote in message
> Well, I have Imagine, so if it's not a huge mesh (I'm on dial-up), I could
> convert it for you.
> All the best,
> Andy Cocker
> "jimbobjim" <jim### [at] blueyonder co uk> wrote in message
> news:3ca4c440@news.povray.org...
> > Hey
> >
> > does anyone know of a conversion utility that will take me from an
> > .iob file to a pov mesh? or to any more common format - DFX or OBJ etc
> > - I had one quite a while ago (2 years?) and I seem to remember it
> being
> > a demo so after the 30 days I uninstalled it. and now of course its
> no-where
> > to be seen on the web.
> >
> > also 3DWin has a 'coming soon' next to the Imagine format.
> >
> > thanks
> > jim
> >
> >
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jimbobjim wrote:
> does anyone know of a conversion utility that will take me from an Imagine
> .iob file to a pov mesh? or to any more common format - DFX or OBJ etc
Deep Exploration from Right Hemisphere (www.righthemisphere.com) will read
in .iob files and will export to a number of formats; then use 3DWin to
convert to POV mesh. I believe that the demo is fully functional.
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