I have been studying lathes/prisms/sors recently, and have come across an
For Quadratic and Cubic splines, I have discovered that the only points that
are allowed to have -x values are the control points. That makes sense!
But for the bezier spline, while I cannot make the control points negative,
I CAN make the non-control points negative... why the inconsistency?
Shouldn't the points that are actually on the spline not be allowed -x
values, and the control points to be allowed -x values?
Ex. (Doesn't generate error)
lathe {
<.5,30.5>, //Control Point!
<.5,-65.5>, //Control Point!
pigment {color rgb<1, 0, 0>}
Ex. 2 (Does generate error)
lathe {
<-.5,30.5>, //Control Point!
<-.5,-65.5>, //Control Point!
pigment {color rgb<1, 0, 0>}
I dont belive I have my control points mixed up: (Povray Help)
The bezier_spline is an alternate kind of cubic spline. Points 1 and 4
specify the end points of a segment and points 2 and 3 are control points
which specify the slope at the endpoints. Points 2 and 3 do not actually lie
on the spline.
By the way, this isnt an error report, but im using Beta 14 :-)
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