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After seeing everyone's spiffy sigs I thought I'd try one:
#declare Rad=.8;#declare Str=1;#declare Thresh=.7;#declare I=1;union{blob{
threshold Thresh #while(I<=5)sphere{<-I,1,10>,Rad,Str}sphere {<-I,-1,
Str}#declare I=I+1;#end sphere{<-5,0,10>,Rad,Str}}blob{threshold Thresh
10>,Rad,Str}sphere{<1,1,10>,Rad,Str}#declare I=1;#while(I<=
,Rad,Str}#declare I=I + 1;#end}scale 20 pigment{color rgb 10.0}}
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Argh!!!! I sent the wrong version. Here is the one I meant to send. Sorry
Sorry :(
#declare R=.8;#declare S=1;#declare T=.7;#declare I=1;union{blob{threshold T
#while(I<=5)sphere{<-I,1,10>,R,S}sphere {<-I,-1, 10>,R,S}#declare I=I+1;#end
sphere{<-5,0,10>,R,S}}blob{threshold T
(I<= 5)sphere{<I,-1,10>,R,S}#declare I=I + 1;#end}scale 20 pigment{rgb
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On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 07:30:06 -0500, "Corey Woodworth" <cdw### [at] mpinet net>
> After seeing everyone's spiffy sigs I thought I'd try one:
It's not a sig.
It is a scene file becouse it not fits into typical sig size.
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> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 07:30:06 -0500, "Corey Woodworth" <cdw### [at] mpinet net>
> wrote:
> > After seeing everyone's spiffy sigs I thought I'd try one:
> It's not a sig.
> It is a scene file becouse it not fits into typical sig size.
I tried to make it small. What is typical sig size?
80 chars a line and so many lines?
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On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 07:39:06 -0500, "Corey Woodworth" <cdw### [at] mpinet net>
> I tried to make it small. What is typical sig size?
> 80 chars a line and so many lines?
it is good to have less then 80 chars (78, 76) in 4 lines
be carefull - in next post I will post my version of your sig
if you prefer own fun with adjusting then don't look there :-)
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> > I tried to make it small. What is typical sig size?
> > 80 chars a line and so many lines?
> it is good to have less then 80 chars (78, 76) in 4 lines
#declare R=.8;#declare S=1;#declare T=.7;#declare I=1;union{blob{threshold T
#while(I<=5)sphere{<-I,1,10>,R,S}sphere {<-I,-1,10>,R,S}#declare I=I+1;#end
sphere{<-5,0,10>,R,S}}blob{threshold T sphere{<5,1,10>,R,S}sphere{<5,0,10>,R
,S} sphere{<3,0,10>,R,S}sphere{<1,0,10>,R,S}sphere{<1,1,10>,R,S}#declare I=1
;#while(I<=5)sphere{<I,-1,10>,R,S}#declare I=I + 1;#end} pigment{rgb 10.0}}
One line too long :(
> be carefull - in next post I will post my version of your sig
> if you prefer own fun with adjusting then don't look there :-)
Well considering I'm such a novice with macros I might have a look
Should be fun! :)
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> be carefull - in next post I will post my version of your sig
> if you prefer own fun with adjusting then don't look there :-)
#macro _(C,W)sphere{20*<C,W,10>,16,1}#end blob{threshold.7_(-5,0)_(5,1)_(5,0)
_(3,0)_(1,0)_(1,1)#local I=5;#while(I)_(I,-1)#local I=I-1;_(-I-1,1)_(-I-1,-1)
#end pigment{rgb 9}}
probably can be shorten in hands of Warp or Ron or somebody else.
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> probably can be shorten in hands of Warp or Ron or somebody else...
or even in my own - two spaces shorten
blob{threshold#macro _(C,W)sphere{20*<C,W,10>,16,1pigment{rgb 9}}#end.7_(-5,0
)_(5,1)_(5,0)_(3,0)_(1,0)_(1,1)#local I=5;#while(I)_(I,-1)#local I=I-1;_(-I-1
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<abx### [at] babilon org>
> wrote:
> > probably can be shorten in hands of Warp or Ron or somebody else...
> or even in my own - two spaces shorten
> blob{threshold#macro _(C,W)sphere{20*<C,W,10>,16,1pigment{rgb
> )_(5,1)_(5,0)_(3,0)_(1,0)_(1,1)#local I=5;#while(I)_(I,-1)#local
> ,1)_(-I-1,-1)#end}
WOW! I thought this was beyond all understanding untill I spaced it out like
#macro _(C,W)
sphere{20*<C,W,10>,16,1 pigment{rgb 9} }
#local I=5;
#local I=I-1;_(-I-1,1)_(-I-1,-1)
I'm not gonna tell you how long I was looking for the _ operator in the
help files :)
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> blob{threshold#macro _(C,W)sphere{20*<C,W,10>,16,1pigment{rgb 9}}#end.7_(-5,0
> )_(5,1)_(5,0)_(3,0)_(1,0)_(1,1)#local I=5;#while(I)_(I,-1)#local I=I-1;_(-I-1
> ,1)_(-I-1,-1)#end}
blob#macro L(I)#if(I)_(-1I)_(1,-I)_(-1,-I)L(I-1)#end#end{threshold#macro _(W,
C)sphere{20*<C,W,10>16,1pigment{rgb 9}}#end.7_(0,-5)_(1,5)_(0,5)_(0,3)_(0,1)_
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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