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Hmmm.... not hp. For some reason PoV b12 keeps saying that it's expired already!
Downloaded it twice tonight, thinking it was a broken download or something. Tried
repairing it and it brings up a dialogue box
that says I have older pvengine files than the current ones, "Do you want to replace
them with the older ones?" - said yes, said no,
to no avail on both counts.
Cleared the whole lot out of my system, including the registry, restarted, fresh
install, restarted again, and.... expired!
Is it me or is something wrong with the latest version?
HELP!! :(
~Sad Steve~
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"25ct" <25c### [at] lineone net> wrote in message news:3c912c66@news.povray.org...
Hang on a minute... I already had beta12 !?!? So why was it saying that it had
expired when I tried to open it earlier? That's
why I downloaded the 'next' version thinking I had beta11 installed. And it still
won't install... My world has come to an end
folks, take care and have good lives...
~Confused Steve~
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I had to stop a rendering session because my system needed to reboot
(installing antivirus update) and when the system was back, povray beta 12
didn't work anymore! :-(
And now where is beta 13!?
I should sleep anyways, so maybe it's a good thing for me at this moment....
apa### [at] yahoo com
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I think there's something wrong with b12. I think I'm going to go set back
my system clock ;-)
"25ct" <25c### [at] lineone net> wrote in message news:3c912c66@news.povray.org...
> Hmmm.... not hp. For some reason PoV b12 keeps saying that it's expired
> Downloaded it twice tonight, thinking it was a broken download or
something. Tried repairing it and it brings up a dialogue box
> that says I have older pvengine files than the current ones, "Do you want
to replace them with the older ones?" - said yes, said no,
> to no avail on both counts.
> Cleared the whole lot out of my system, including the registry,
restarted, fresh install, restarted again, and.... expired!
> Is it me or is something wrong with the latest version?
> HELP!! :(
> ~Sad Steve~
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"Mahalis" <don### [at] fakey com> wrote in message news:3c91470b@news.povray.org...
> I think there's something wrong with b12. I think I'm going to go set back
> my system clock ;-)
Sheesh! Now I get it. It expired today, (which I didn't know), and the newer
version hasn't been put up yet! All the previous
versions have been there straight away for me when a version has expired - that's what
threw me.....
I'm going to bed! :p
~Steve~ ;)
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I'm dead in the water here, too. Sigh. Can't install 3.1, can
re-install 3.5.
Chip Shults
My robotics, space and CGI web page - http://home.cfl.rr.com/aichip
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"Sir Charles W. Shults III" wrote:
> I'm dead in the water here, too. Sigh. Can't install 3.1, can
> re-install 3.5.
Beta 13 is available people. Go and get it.
Ken Tyler
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Speak of the devil!
I did not know that the version was out. I've been using it all day . After I read
your post I click on the icon and up came the
warning. So I downloaded the new version. After I had it downloaded I notice that I
still had the old version running.(small icon in
tool bar)
Have Fun!
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"Ken" <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote in message news:3C9160A6.95245F90@pacbell.net...
> Beta 13 is available people. Go and get it.
Yeeeyyy! Can you understand it Ken, can you understand it?
What I suffered from is now officially called POPS - PoV Operations Panic
It can happen at ANY time! The heart starts racing, you perspire heavily. You find
yourself making mistakes, you can't reason,
rationalise, or understand anymore, your brain becomes befuddled, you become
I hope no-one has to go through POPS like I did....
~Steve~ ;)
> --
> Ken Tyler
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I had to sleep almost 18 hours to get rid of POPS. And now I just wake up to
discover that beta 13 is available! That's bliss!
apa### [at] yahoo com
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