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It's at
Voting is by plain text email.
For those who have failed to embrace modernity (don't use the latest
version of MSIE), bear with me until someone can tell me how to get
through the temperemental (and absurd) limitations of being HTML 2.0
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On Thu, 07 Mar 2002 21:08:57 -0500, "Greg M. Johnson"
<"gregj;-)56590\""@aol.c;-)om> wrote:
> It's at
> http://10best.raytrace.com/short/shortvote.html
> Voting is by plain text email.
Will you refer 5 days before end of voting period how many votes are there ?
Personally I don't want to vote becouse it's just too difficult to judge for
me. But if there will be low number of votes I can force myself to do it.
> For those who have failed to embrace modernity (don't use the latest
> version of MSIE), bear with me until someone can tell me how to get
> through the temperemental (and absurd) limitations of being HTML 2.0
> compliant.
Sorry, I don't understand above completly :-(
Who forced you to be HTML 2.0 compliant ?
You can use HTML 3.0, 4.0, XHTML, flash - just use it properly.
Anyway it can be 2.0 compliant:
Rules of HTML are as simple as curly brackets in SDL. If there is something
opened then there must be something closed. If there is something part of
block formatting then it can't be set outside of block. Just validator/parser
is not as simple as POV-GUI.
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Perhaps something like this might be handy?
<A href="mailto:gre### [at] aol com?subject=[Shortest Code Contest
Vote]&body=[place your votes here] you### [at] email com COMMENT:">Vote!</A>
Does anyone know how to pass line breaks in the "body" section?
"Grey Knight" contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoo com" }
site_of_week{ url "http://digilander.iol.it/jrgpov" }
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On Fri, 08 Mar 2002 12:16:02 +0000, Grey Knight <s16### [at] namtar qub ac uk>
> Perhaps something like this might be handy?
I don't think he want spam generator :-)
> Does anyone know how to pass line breaks in the "body" section?
In body of what ? texture{} ? box{} ? #while loop ?
Perhaps you can be interested in
disc{z,-z 5#macro O()asc(substr("-+((1*(,1,/.-,*/(,&.323/'1"e,1))*.1-4#declare
e=e-1;#end#local e=26;pigment{#local g=function(_){ceil(_)-_}function#local//X
k=function{pattern{object{sphere_sweep{linear_spline 13#while(e>0)<O(),O()//AB
>.01#end}}}}{k(g(atan2(x,y)),g(ln((y+x)^2+1e-5)),0)}}finish{ambient 1}}//POV35
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I mistakenly left two entries, sc1 and sc2, off the list. Please note this
before voting!
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On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 08:10:25 -0500, "Greg M. Johnson" <gregj:-)565### [at] aol com>
> I mistakenly left two entries, sc1 and sc2, off the list. Please note this
> before voting!
When do you plan to connect links with them ? Currently only small previews
are linked to html ?
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Greg M. Johnson <"gregj;-)56590\""@aol.c;-)om> wrote:
> For those who have failed to embrace modernity (don't use the latest
> version of MSIE)
I really hate that prejudice that MSIE is the only "modern" browser.
MSIE sucks. It doesn't even support properly PNGs with alpha channel.
I wouldn't call that "modern".
(Besides, it has all those security holes which other browsers lack. I'll
never touch MSIE unless I'm really forced to do so.)
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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<grumbles at self>
</grumbles at self>
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> Who forced you to be HTML 2.0 compliant ?
I heard "it looks funny on a Linux browser" and "you're not 2.0 compliant" on the same
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