I managed to get trace() to work, but I found something that I could find in
the help files. I made the following scene.
camera {
location <2,2,-2>
look_at <0,0,0>
light_source { <100,100,-100> color rgb 1 }
#local thing = cone { <0,1,0>,0,<0,0,0>,1 }
#local norm = <0,0,0>;
#local r = seed(0);
object { thing pigment { rgbt <1,0,0,0.7> } }
plane { <0,1,0>,0 pigment { rgb <0,1,0> } }
#local a = 0;
#while (a<500)
#local placex = 1-(2*rand(r));
#local placez = 1-(2*rand(r));
#local start = <placex,10,placez>;
#local ending = <placex,-100,placez>;
#local place = trace(thing,start,ending,norm);
#if (vlength(norm)!=0)
sphere { place,0.05 pigment { rgbt <1,1,1,0.5> } }
sphere { <placex,0,placez>,0.05 pigment { rgb <0,0,1> } }
#local a = a + 1;
It renders as expected: white spheres are on the cone and those that don't
hit the cone are blue and on the plane.
If I chance the line 15 from #local start = <placex,10,placez>; to #local
start = <placex,100,placez>; the amount of white spheres decreace and a lot
of blue spheres appear inside the cone. To my sense the scene should be
exactly same as before. Is there some reason the program works this way or
am I missing something here?
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On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 16:39:42 +0200, "Klaus Lehtonen" <leh### [at] hotmail com>
> #local ending = <placex,-100,placez>;
> #local place = trace(thing,start,ending,norm);
third parameter of trace is value of direction vector,
not ending point of direction vector
I suppose You want:
#local ending = <0,-1,0>;
change to this and check again your script
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Thanks! Now it makes sense. I had totally missed that bit.
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 16:39:42 +0200, "Klaus Lehtonen"
<leh### [at] hotmail com>
> wrote:
> > #local ending = <placex,-100,placez>;
> > #local place = trace(thing,start,ending,norm);
> third parameter of trace is value of direction vector,
> not ending point of direction vector
> I suppose You want:
> #local ending = <0,-1,0>;
> change to this and check again your script
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