I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. The photon map will not
save for some reason.
The hard drive has quite a bit of free space (9 gig free) and the directory
has full rights. (Local directory on Windows XP)
The message window gives this error:
Scene contains 206 frame level objects; 0 infinite.
Could not save photon map - no photons!
Here are my photon settings in the global section:
photons {
spacing 0.02
gather 100, 100
expand_thresholds 0.2, 30
autostop 0
save_file "WatchP3.pht"
// load_file "WatchP3.pht"
Here is my light source:
light_source {< 30, 50, -70>
color White * 1.25
point_at <0, 0, 0>
radius 5
tightness 50
falloff 6
photons {
refraction on
reflection on
I have several objects using:
photons { target reflection on refraction off }
Any ideas what is wrong?
Thank you,
Patrick Dugan
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> Dou you use reflecting objects?
> Do the reflected photons fall onto any other object?
> Does the spotlight illuminate any target?
Yes, several.
> Does it work with a point light source?
I don't know yet.
I did discover that one object in the scene ( a rather large object) did not
have photons but should have. Once I added the
photons to it, the file saved. My guess is without that object's photons,
nothing else would "receive" them.
So your second question was probably the issue.
"Felix Wiemann" <Fel### [at] gmx net> wrote in message
> Dou you use reflecting objects?
> Do the reflected photons fall onto any other object?
> Does the spotlight illuminate any target?
> Does it work with a point light source?
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