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I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out with rendering my
cars. Progress is getting very slow as I can't get the 'big picture' because of
outdated CPU's.
If anyone is willing to do my renders for me please let me know. I'm not sure if
I'll have internet access after February so I've got to try and finish all this
- Nekar
#local X=20*<-2,2,5>;sphere_sweep{catmull_rom_spline 6<-8,-8>1<-8,-8>1<-8,8>1<
8,-8>1<8,8>1<8,8>1translate 20*z pigment{gradient z scale 3color_map{[0rgb<0,9
,18>][1rgb 0]}}}#local K=2*z*X-X;#local R=seed(clock);blob{#while(K.x>X.x)
#local N=X+<rand(R)rand(R)1>/3;#local X=(vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X-N);
sphere{X,1,1rotate z*90}sphere{X,1,1}#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{//Nekar
emission<2,4,5>*5}}hollow scale.05}// http://nekar_xenos.tripod.com/metanoia/
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.317 / Virus Database: 176 - Release Date: 2002/01/21
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Sure, let me know what you need. Always a few spare cycles around.
"Nekar Xenos" <j-p### [at] citywalk co za> wrote in message
> I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out with rendering
> cars. Progress is getting very slow as I can't get the 'big picture'
because of
> outdated CPU's.
> If anyone is willing to do my renders for me please let me know. I'm not
sure if
> I'll have internet access after February so I've got to try and finish all
> now.
> Thanks,
> - Nekar
> --
> #local X=20*<-2,2,5>;sphere_sweep{catmull_rom_spline
> 8,-8>1<8,8>1<8,8>1translate 20*z pigment{gradient z scale
> ,18>][1rgb 0]}}}#local K=2*z*X-X;#local R=seed(clock);blob{#while(K.x>X.x)
> #local N=X+<rand(R)rand(R)1>/3;#local
> sphere{X,1,1rotate z*90}sphere{X,1,1}#end pigment{rgbt
> emission<2,4,5>*5}}hollow scale.05}//
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.317 / Virus Database: 176 - Release Date: 2002/01/21
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Sure! Mine usually sits around wasting electricity anyways, might as well
put it to good use! just let me know
Nekar Xenos wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out with rendering
> my cars. Progress is getting very slow as I can't get the 'big picture'
> because of outdated CPU's.
> If anyone is willing to do my renders for me please let me know. I'm not
> sure if I'll have internet access after February so I've got to try and
> finish all this now.
> Thanks,
> - Nekar
smuchrusher <at> ameritech <dot> net
ICQ#: 118347772
9:46pm up 16 min, 0 users, load average: 0.09, 0.14, 0.09
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Hi Nekar,
If you want to render MANY of your cars and getting credit for it:
http://www.imp.org/ . We really want to prove with this project that povray
is capable of BIG things. Why are we doing this project? Just to show off
povray software. I've been using povray for a long time now (with big gaps
in between) and I think that the next step is making render farms with
povray would be really something interesting. So many idle computers at
companies and universities at night. Isn't that a waste of precious energy
resources and cpu cycles!? :-)
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I wasn't sure if I could mail you directly so I posted it to
- Nekar
#local X=20*<-2,2,5>;#local K=2*z*X-X;#local R=seed(frame_number);blob{#while(K
.x>X.x)#local N=X+<rand(R)rand(R)1>/3;#local X=(vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X
-N);sphere{X,1,1rotate z*90}sphere{X,1,1}#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{
emission<2,4,5>*5}}hollow scale.05}// http://nekar_xenos.tripod.com/metanoia/
sphere_sweep{catmull_rom_spline 6<-8,-8>1<-8,-8>1<-8,8>1<8,-8>1<8,8>1<8,8>1
translate 20*z pigment{gradient z scale 3color_map{[0rgb<0,9,18>][1rgb 0]}}}
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.317 / Virus Database: 176 - Release Date: 2002/01/21
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I wasn't sure if I could mail you directly so I posted it to
- Nekar
#local X=20*<-2,2,5>;#local K=2*z*X-X;#local R=seed(frame_number);blob{#while(K
.x>X.x)#local N=X+<rand(R)rand(R)1>/3;#local X=(vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X
-N);sphere{X,1,1rotate z*90}sphere{X,1,1}#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{
emission<2,4,5>*5}}hollow scale.05}// http://nekar_xenos.tripod.com/metanoia/
sphere_sweep{catmull_rom_spline 6<-8,-8>1<-8,-8>1<-8,8>1<8,-8>1<8,8>1<8,8>1
translate 20*z pigment{gradient z scale 3color_map{[0rgb<0,9,18>][1rgb 0]}}}
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.317 / Virus Database: 176 - Release Date: 2002/01/21
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What version are you using?
Nekar Xenos wrote:
> I wasn't sure if I could mail you directly so I posted it to
> povray.binaries.scene-files.
> Thanks,
> - Nekar
smuchrusher <at> ameritech <dot> net
ICQ#: 118347772
3:22am up 12:15, 0 users, load average: 0.35, 0.26, 0.19
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Oops, I didn't think about that one. I'm using Pov 3.5 beta. I used Arial.ttf as
well, do I need to send that to you?
#local X=20*<-2,2,5>;#local K=2*z*X-X;#local R=seed(frame_number);blob{#while(K
.x>X.x)#local N=X+<rand(R)rand(R)1>/3;#local X=(vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X
-N);sphere{X,1,1rotate z*90}sphere{X,1,1}#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{
emission<2,4,5>*5}}hollow scale.05}// http://nekar_xenos.tripod.com/metanoia/
sphere_sweep{catmull_rom_spline 6<-8,-8>1<-8,-8>1<-8,8>1<8,-8>1<8,8>1<8,8>1
translate 20*z pigment{gradient z scale 3color_map{[0rgb<0,9,18>][1rgb 0]}}}
"David F" <smu### [at] ameritech net> wrote in message
> What version are you using?
> Nekar Xenos wrote:
> > I wasn't sure if I could mail you directly so I posted it to
> > povray.binaries.scene-files.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > - Nekar
> --
> David
> smuchrusher <at> ameritech <dot> net
> ICQ#: 118347772
> 3:22am up 12:15, 0 users, load average: 0.35, 0.26, 0.19
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.317 / Virus Database: 176 - Release Date: 2002/01/21
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On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:29:25 +0200, "Nekar Xenos" <j-p### [at] citywalk co za> wrote:
> Oops, I didn't think about that one. I'm using Pov 3.5 beta. I used Arial.ttf as
> well, do I need to send that to you?
afaik you have no right to send it to him but if I can help then it is available
at http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/
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"Apache" <apa### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> Hi Nekar,
> If you want to render MANY of your cars and getting credit for it:
> http://www.imp.org/ . We really want to prove with this project that povray
> is capable of BIG things. Why are we doing this project? Just to show off
> povray software. I've been using povray for a long time now (with big gaps
> in between) and I think that the next step is making render farms with
> povray would be really something interesting. So many idle computers at
> companies and universities at night. Isn't that a waste of precious energy
> resources and cpu cycles!? :-)
Sounds great! But I doubt I can use that for test renders, while I'm still
designing it. But if I can send my test renders there, let me know!
- Nekar
#local X=20*<-2,2,5>;#local K=2*z*X-X;#local R=seed(frame_number);blob{#while(K
.x>X.x)#local N=X+<rand(R)rand(R)1>/3;#local X=(vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X
-N);sphere{X,1,1rotate z*90}sphere{X,1,1}#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{
emission<2,4,5>*5}}hollow scale.05}// http://nekar_xenos.tripod.com/metanoia/
sphere_sweep{catmull_rom_spline 6<-8,-8>1<-8,-8>1<-8,8>1<8,-8>1<8,8>1<8,8>1
translate 20*z pigment{gradient z scale 3color_map{[0rgb<0,9,18>][1rgb 0]}}}
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.317 / Virus Database: 176 - Release Date: 2002/01/21
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