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Dear Fellow Ray Tracers:
I have started a mailing list group to discuss the formation of new book on
POV Ray. If you are interested in joining the discussion please email me at
mit### [at] dnai com.
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BTW You can join this group if you just want to monitor our progress and
give advice on where we are headed with the book project.
"Mitchell Waite" <mit### [at] dnai com> wrote in message
> Dear Fellow Ray Tracers:
> I have started a mailing list group to discuss the formation of new book
> POV Ray. If you are interested in joining the discussion please email me
> mit### [at] dnai com.
> Mitch
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May I suggest that this sort of project would benefit from a
threaded discussion forum (e.g. news group), and would also
be available to more people if it were conducted on a news
group ?
If enough users in povray.general indicate they think this
would be beneficial, I would be prepared to create a new news
group on this server dedicated to the topic of POV-Ray books
(and perhaps also one for documentation in general).
If I did that, you would be welcome to use it instead of a
mailing list.
-- Chris
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"Chris Cason" <newsadmin-despam-@povray-no-spam.org> wrote in message
> If enough users in povray.general indicate they think this
> would be beneficial, I would be prepared to create a new news
> group on this server dedicated to the topic of POV-Ray books
> (and perhaps also one for documentation in general).
I think the idea of having a group dedicated to documentation / tutorials
(writing, not requesting) / books, etc is excellent. I don't know how much
I would contribute personally, but I think it would be a valuable resource.
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On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 15:13:32 +1100, "Chris Cason"
<newsadmin-despam-@povray-no-spam.org> wrote:
> If enough users in povray.general indicate they think this
> would be beneficial, I would be prepared to create a new news
> group on this server dedicated to the topic of POV-Ray books
> (and perhaps also one for documentation in general).
I vote for both.
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in news:3c54cfe9@news.povray.org Chris Cason wrote:
> new news
> group on this server dedicated to the topic of POV-Ray books
> (and perhaps also one for documentation in general).
That would be nice.
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That's an excellent idea, IMHO.
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Chris Cason wrote:
> If enough users in povray.general indicate they think this
> would be beneficial, I would be prepared to create a new news
> group on this server dedicated to the topic of POV-Ray books
> (and perhaps also one for documentation in general).
Good idea IMO, but i think one group for both together would be
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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Wasn't it Chris Cason who wrote:
>May I suggest that this sort of project would benefit from a
>threaded discussion forum (e.g. news group)
Mailing lists are threaded. Perhaps you're just using software that
doesn't display mail threading.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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I like the idea of a newsgroup devoted to books and documentation. My list
is a private list for people working on our specific title so I see a need
for both.
"Chris Cason" <newsadmin-despam-@povray-no-spam.org> wrote in message
> May I suggest that this sort of project would benefit from a
> threaded discussion forum (e.g. news group), and would also
> be available to more people if it were conducted on a news
> group ?
> If enough users in povray.general indicate they think this
> would be beneficial, I would be prepared to create a new news
> group on this server dedicated to the topic of POV-Ray books
> (and perhaps also one for documentation in general).
> If I did that, you would be welcome to use it instead of a
> mailing list.
> -- Chris
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