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From: Ace
Subject: Feature Idea (something I think could be verry useful.)
Date: 21 Jan 2002 04:30:33
Message: <3c4bdfb9@news.povray.org>
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this is something that I could use and I'm sure other people could too,
I have the problem of not being able to visualize where things are in
relation to 0,0,0
and other items.my idea is a object like a plane devided into a grid marked
in pov units,
with 0,0,0 also marked, for example:
object{ grid
-1.0 / / same as for plane
y / / same as for plane
pigment{.....} / / the base color
pigment{.....} / / the line color
it would basicaly be a plane but permanetely and infinately devided into a
render with it until everything is where you want it, then remove and use
whatever plane you want- if any. this could be done with an image maped onto
a plane, but it would take a verry big image to make this an infinite grid,
and actualy you could never do it this way without adding onto the image
every time you moved past a certain point. this could be helpful to newusers
until they get used to the way the xyz system works, and how things are
is/could this be possible?
does anyone else think its a good idea?
-- sig will be here when I shorten it from 4000 lines--
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in news:3c4bdfb9@news.povray.org Ace wrote:
> is/could this be possible?
In the past there have been posted grid-textures that can do what you want
(can't locate them at the moment). So no need for a new object.
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On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 00:29:49 -0900, "Ace" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote:
> is/could this be possible?
What about something like:
#macro Grid(Pig1,Pig2,Size)
#local Pig3=pigment{
gradient z
[Size/2 Pig2]
[Size/2 Pig1]
[1-Size/2 Pig1]
[1-Size/2 Pig2]
y, -1
gradient x
[Size/2 Pig2]
[Size/2 Pig3]
[1-Size/2 Pig3]
[1-Size/2 Pig2]
Grid( pigment{rgb 1} , pigment{rgb 0}, 0.1}
> Gary
> -- sig will be here when I shorten it from 4000 lines--
Send your sig to povray.binaries.scene-files and we can help you :-)
disc{z,-z 5#macro O()asc(substr("-+((1*(,1,/.-,*/(,&.323/'1"e,1))*.1-4#declare
e=e-1;#end#local e=26;pigment{#local g=function(_){ceil(_)-_}function#local//X
k=function{pattern{object{sphere_sweep{linear_spline 13#while(e>0)<O(),O()//AB
>.01#end}}}}{k(g(atan2(x,y)),g(ln((y+x)^2+1e-5)),0)}}finish{ambient 1}}//POV35
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From: Ace
Subject: Re: Feature Idea (something I think could be verry useful.)
Date: 21 Jan 2002 04:41:41
Message: <3c4be255@news.povray.org>
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ingo <ing### [at] home nl> wrote in message
news:Xns### [at] povray org...
> in news:3c4bdfb9@news.povray.org Ace wrote:
> > is/could this be possible?
> >
> In the past there have been posted grid-textures that can do what you want
> (can't locate them at the moment). So no need for a new object.
> Ingo
Why didn't I think of that......
man do I feel stupid......
Ok, anyone know where I can get one of these textures?
(who still thinks it was a good idea in general.)
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From: Ace
Subject: Re: Feature Idea (something I think could be verry useful.)
Date: 21 Jan 2002 04:52:24
Message: <3c4be4d8@news.povray.org>
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> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 00:29:49 -0900, "Ace" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote:
> > is/could this be possible?
> What about something like:
> #macro Grid(Pig1,Pig2,Size)
> #local Pig3=pigment{
> gradient z
> pigment_map{
> [Size/2 Pig2]
> [Size/2 Pig1]
> [1-Size/2 Pig1]
> [1-Size/2 Pig2]
> }
> };
> plane{
> y, -1
> pigment{
> gradient x
> pigment_map{
> [Size/2 Pig2]
> [Size/2 Pig3]
> [1-Size/2 Pig3]
> [1-Size/2 Pig2]
> }
> }
> }
> #end
> Grid( pigment{rgb 1} , pigment{rgb 0}, 0.1}
> > Gary
> > -- sig will be here when I shorten it from 4000 lines--
> Send your sig to povray.binaries.scene-files and we can help you :-)
> --
Perfect!! how did you do that so quick?
I'll send my sig over when I get it the way I like it (estimated 4000 more
lines :-) )
-- sig will be here when I finnish it and shorten it from 4000+ lines--
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From: Bill DeWitt
Subject: Re: Feature Idea (something I think could be verry useful.)
Date: 21 Jan 2002 08:35:22
Message: <3c4c191a$1@news.povray.org>
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"Ace" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote in message
> Hello,
> this is something that I could use and I'm sure other people could too,
> I have the problem of not being able to visualize where things are in
> relation to 0,0,0
> and other items.my idea is a object like a plane devided into a grid
> in pov units,
> with 0,0,0 also marked, for example:
I use such things a lot. I have graphpaper with macros to make different
number of divisions, simple three pointed arrows with unit markers along
their length. A thin box with a unit sized checker pattern on it and a grid
of florescent buoys that float in space when I am doing a space scene.
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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: Feature Idea (something I think could be verry useful.)
Date: 21 Jan 2002 09:17:21
Message: <3C4C2419.2CFEF32C@hotmail.com>
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Ace wrote:
> this is something that I could use and I'm sure other people could
> too,
> I have the problem of not being able to visualize where things are in
> relation to 0,0,0 and other items.
I simply pigment a plane with the checker pattern (with different
colors). It's scaled by 100 in each direction, because I model with
one unit = 1 cm.
Everything else I do on paper.
ICQ: 46085459
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From: Harold Baize
Subject: Re: Feature Idea (something I think could be verry useful.)
Date: 21 Jan 2002 17:55:35
Message: <3c4c9c67@news.povray.org>
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Thanks, I've always wanted to do that but haven't.
I fooled around with three dimensional matrices
but they didn't work very well.
I think when your Grid macro is used it should be:
Grid( pigment{rgbf 1} , pigment{rgb 0}, 0.1)
adding that one letter makes a big difference :-)
(and I don't mean correcting the typo } ;-)
> What about something like:
> #macro Grid(Pig1,Pig2,Size)
> #local Pig3=pigment{
> gradient z
> pigment_map{
> [Size/2 Pig2]
> [Size/2 Pig1]
> [1-Size/2 Pig1]
> [1-Size/2 Pig2]
> }
> };
> plane{
> y, -1
> pigment{
> gradient x
> pigment_map{
> [Size/2 Pig2]
> [Size/2 Pig3]
> [1-Size/2 Pig3]
> [1-Size/2 Pig2]
> }
> }
> }
> #end
> Grid( pigment{rgb 1} , pigment{rgb 0}, 0.1}
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From: Ben Chambers
Subject: Re: Feature Idea (something I think could be verry useful.)
Date: 22 Jan 2002 17:00:06
Message: <3c4de0e6@news.povray.org>
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"Ace" <ble### [at] icefog net> wrote in message
> Hello,
> this is something that I could use and I'm sure other people could too,
> I have the problem of not being able to visualize where things are in
> relation to 0,0,0
> and other items.my idea is a object like a plane devided into a grid
> in pov units,
> with 0,0,0 also marked, for example:
When I used POV for my math project, I created a "real" grid out of small
cylinders. Quite effective, and the prof liked it too :)
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